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Question: History is stupid!?
Why is history only about wars and who killed who !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Think about this!.!.!.if you don't know your history (of past mistakes) then you are apt to repeat it!. I could say more, but I'll leave it at that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It ins't only about wars, it is also about social change, about religion, about science and art and architecture and literature,about laws, about how people lived their lives!. However, wars have been major important events in world history, and it is inevitable that the study of history encompasses many wars!. it is very difficult to read history without war coming into it somewhere!. It is possible, however, try reading The Optimist's Guide to History by Doris Flexner!. Or 'History Without the Boring bits' by Ian Crofton!. Or 'That's Not In My American History Book' by Thomas Ayres!. Or 'the Naked Olympics' by Tony Perrottet, which is an immensely entertaining book about the ancient Greek Olympic Games, which were created specifically to distract the ancient Greeks from their favourite occupation - making war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to propogate grudges and justify power over former enemies (and take advantage of them or their resources too)!. That kind of History, ie history of wars, is actually a form of propoganda!.

There are other parts of history, but that kind is not really pushed much!. Who built what, and how and where and why, and what happened!. Some of that kind of history can be interesting and enjoyable to find out about, without all the "who should hate whom" propoganda!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm really sorry to hear you feel that history is nothing but about wars and killing!. History is an art which studies everything from the creating of the earth to today!. There is a lot of battles that are fought but there are so many interesting religions, argriculture, art, civilizations, artifacts, architecture, kings/queens, science, math, development of how humans have evolved from savages to inteligent people!. Law, government, everything you can think of the earth today was either thought of or invented by somebody from the past who has made our future the way it is today!. Can you imagine not having your cell phone, or a tv, or a car!? Without Alexander Graham Bell the telephone as we know it today would never been cretaed and people would have to travel by horse to get a telegram read or by sending it by morse code!. So history isn't stupid, its really fascinating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

History is not only about wars, and who killed who, it is much more, there were great inventions, the I-pod, microwave oven, the automobile, the airplane, etc!. it is about how man has developed and hopefully become more than the sum of his parts!. it is true that wars are a big part but that is because man has reached an impasse in his development, and it has to be decided, there were some peaceful decisions some not so peaceful decisions, but i encourage you to take your time and read some more you may find that history is more than killing it is the story of who we are and who we have become and it is never ending remember some day you will be part of history, so don't call it stupidWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's amazing that you received this caliber of response in a forum!. You sometimes get trash as well, but tonight, you struck gold!.
coach made points that go right to the heart of the matter!. punk rock got my attention as well!. Good stuff there!.
Those were words of wisdom my friend!. Hang on to them!.
I think that no nickname had a lot more on his mind, but I really liked the point he DID make using American philosopher and writer George Santayana's quote, "Those who cannot remember past, are doomed to repeat it!."
A Bachelor's Degree in history IS something to be proud of!.!.!.you can help us learn who we are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wars are dramatic shifts in how the world moves forward!.

Assassinations alter who leads us

here is a "what if!.!.!.!.!.!?" question for you!.

"What if Robert Kennedy was NOT assassinated!? Could he have won the presidency!? How would this have changed Vietnam!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

i guess that's all that happens:
celebrities/entertainment, wars, and inventions!.

seems like there should be more, but that's all there seems to be!.
wow, that does suck, huh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because conflicts create change to move history forward!.

Without conflict, we'd still be living in caves and school wouldn't exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your close to right but the history of about everything else is called something elseWww@QuestionHome@Com

that's only part of history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com