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Position:Home>History> 1. What two countries were in a cold war? (TURNING POINTS)?

Question: 1!. What two countries were in a cold war!? (TURNING POINTS)!?
1!. What two countries were in a cold war!? (1 point)
Soviet Union and Great Britain
Great Britain and Germany
United States and Soviet Union
United States and Germany
2!. The actions of Rosa Parks led to a boycott of city buses in (1 point)
Wounded Knee, South Dakota!.
Montgomery, Alabama!.
the Bay of Pigs!.
3!. Malcolm X, an important voice of some African Americans, was a leader of the (1 point)
Black Muslims!.
baby boom!.
Great Society!.
4!. What cut communications between West and East Berlin!? (1 point)
broken satellites
terrorist bombs
down telephone lines
the Berlin Wall
5!. President Nixon had a plan for "peace with honor" to end the war in (1 point)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. United States and Soviet Union
2!. Montgomery Alabama
3!. Black Muslims
4!. The Berlin Wall
5!. VietnamWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm with "Thor!." I'm paid to tutor lazy students who wind up in Summer School because they didn't pay ANY attention during the school year!. I just make MORE money!.
Do you honestly expect us to do your "Multiple Choice!?"

I would be cautious of accepting answers provided by someone who does not know what a "score" is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

(1)United States and Soviet Union
(2)Montgomery, Alabama
(3)Black Muslims
(4)broken satellites ,not sure :p but still
(5)might b cuba or it can be korea :0 mmm, korea

How much is a score!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Seriously, send me $10 through paypal and I'll answer your homework for you!.
Here's a teaser for free though, question 1 is the US and Soviet Union!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you want us to do your homework, it'll cost you!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com