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Position:Home>History> Which of these battles was more impostant?

Question: Which of these battles was more impostant!?
Regarding the Vietnam War!.!. which battle did u think was more important to which was least important!. Im learning about Vietnam right now & i want to know what u guys think!?!?
The 3 battles are Viet Minh, Saigon, and Hue!.
also tell me what makes u think that way!.!. if u can!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Viet Minh were the people who drove out the French, not a battle, and not against the US!.
Hue probably had the most impact!. The Viet Cong were permanently destroyed as a fighting force, and the NVA were beaten badly, but the battle of Hue was so long and bloody that it was easier to misperceive it as a loss, and the misperception is what lost the war in and for the US!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, I'll pick the Tet offensive!. It really showed that the Americans were not fully in control of the situation when the North Vietnamese were able to hit urban centres in South Vietnam!. It led to President Johnson deciding not to seek re election and convinced the American public that there would be no quick victory in Vietnam!.Www@QuestionHome@Com