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Question: History question help please!?
How did the work that immigrants did affect the type of housing and living conditions they experienced!?

Old day's/Early Immigrants


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It depends on the country you're talking about!.!.!.

But I'm from the US, so I'll be cocky and assume you mean here!.

Back in the day, all immigrants (which initially were all of us, other than Native Americans) would live in whatever they could create!. In the 18th and early 19th centuries their housing varied widely from brick homes to timber shacks!.

I suspect you're asking about the industrial revolution times though (1820+)!. From that point on, cities grew and flourished, rather than fed off of farming areas (which eventually caused the Civil War)!. Even close to 1900 the Irish were seriously discriminated against, even in NYC!. They weren't so much "forced" to live in substandard housing, but they weren't given jobs that would allow them to afford more!. Moving forward, the Japanese were put in the US's own form of concentration camps during WWII so they had no ability to deflect and pledge allegiance to their home country!.

There are many specific instances where races have been discriminated against, and forced to live in substandard housing!. Troops in the Civil War, both north and south!. You can even look into the earliest steel mill unions (1870ish) for that example!. Heck, I live in military housing now and have been bitten by a mouse in my own home within the last year!. If you want a specific answer, your question would have to be more specific!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in the Old days -the early immigrants had to put up with us painted blue and running around naked, trying to kill them!.
We soon learnt though - these newcomers had olive oil, fish sauce, underfloor heating, and neat mosaics - and they walked around with what looked like bath-robes on: we got used to that as well!.
The ideas they brought with them about housing were revolutionary!. We'd been living in big round houses, and these chappies had courtyard style villas with different wings for different functions!. They took a bit of getting used to, but still - they were warm in winter!. And they built a reallly nice wall at the end of the garden to keep the scruffy neighbours out!.

Hope that helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com