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Position:Home>History> Does anyone know any "major atrocities" in world history like that of

Question: Does anyone know any "major atrocities" in world history like that of the holocaust and the rape of nanking!?
dosen't matter the time frame- I know its a lot but as much as you can remember-thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Herero-Namanqua genocide 1907
Armenian Genocide 1915
Pol Pot Cambodia,1975
Rwanda, 1994
Wounded Knee, 1890
Black '41 or 1641 with Oliver Cromwell
Samarkand, 1241
Holodomor, 1933 and 1937, Ukrainian StarvationWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not as bad as the Holocaust, but during WWII Americans put many Japanese Americans in internment camps after Pearl Harbor!. They weren't killed, but they had to leave their homes and belongings and were basically imprisoned in a camp without any evidence that they were working for the Japanese government!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The atrocities committed by Stalin during his reign are just coming to the surface!. Two more recent acts would be, the Serbs in the former Yugoslavia, and Pol Pot in Cambodia during the mid to late 1970s!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

how about the continuing occupation of north america by white europeans, who have committed theft and genocide, and never been punished or made any real resitution for their holocaust!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

tinaman square where students are bulldozedWww@QuestionHome@Com

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I have some questions regarding the HOLOCAUST:!?
How would you define the following!?
1!. Nazi Storm Troopers
2!. Nazi Protective Squad
3!. Secret State Police
4!. Communist
5!. Boycott
6!. Propaganda
7!. Tyranny
8!. Census

9!. Liberation
10!. Death Marches
11!. War Refugee Board
12!. Nuremberg Trial
13!. Resistance

Please list your sources if you have any, unless you're an expert on the Holocaust and have known these terms for a long time!. THANK YOU!!!
13 hours ago - 3 days left to answer!.
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by Elizabet!.!.!.
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1!. Nazi Storm Troopers - the SA, Sturm Abteilung (Storm Section)!.
In 1921 Adolf Hitler formed his own private army called Sturm Abteilung (Storm Section)!. The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents and to protect Hitler from revenge attacks!.

2!. Nazi Protective Squad - the SS, Schutzstaffel (Protective Squadron)!.
In 1925 Adolf Hitler formed his own personal bodyguard called the Schutzstaffel (SS)!. Four years later Hitler appointed Heinrich Himmler as the leader of the SS!. By the time of Himmler's appointment the SS had only 280 members!. They wore the same uniform as the SA except for a black cap with a silver death's head badge and a black tie!.
By June 1944 the SS had over 800,000 members: Hitler's Body Guard (200,000) Waffen (594,000) and Death Head Units (24,000)!.
During the Second World War the SS Death's Head Units were put in charge of Germany's Concentration Camps!. The SS also followed the German Army into the Soviet Union where they had the responsibility of murdering Jews, gypsies, communists and partisans!.

3!. Secret State Police - Gestapo!.
The German internal security police as organized under the Nazi regime, known for its terrorist methods directed against those suspected of treason or questionable loyalty!.
[German Ge(heime) Sta(ats)po(lizei), secret state police, geheim, secret, + Staat, state, + Polizei, police!.]

4!. Communist -
a person who is regarded as supporting politically leftist or subversive causes!.
a member of the Communist party or movement!.

5!. Boycott -
a group's refusal to have commercial dealings with some organization or group!.
refuse to sponsor; refuse to do business with!.

6!. Propaganda -
the activity of spreading particular ideas, opinions etc according to an organized plan, eg by a government; the ideas etc spread in this way!.

7!. Tyranny -
a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (syn!. tyrant)
(not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc!.)

8!. Census -
a periodic count of the population of a country!.

9!. Liberation -
to set free (rescue)
the act of liberating someone or something

10!. Holocaust Death Marches -
Prisoners were forced to march long distances, with little or no food, water, or rest!.

Near the end of the war, when Germany's military force was collapsing, the Allied armies closed in on the Nazi concentration camps!. The Soviets approached from the east, and the British, French, and Americans from the west!. The Germans began frantically to move the prisoners out of the camps near the front and take them to be used as forced laborers in camps inside Germany!. Prisoners were first taken by train and then by foot on "death marches," as they became known!. Prisoners were forced to march long distances in bitter cold, with little or no food, water, or rest!. Those who could not keep up were shot!.

The largest death marches took place in the winter of 1944-1945, when the Soviet army began its liberation of Poland!. Nine days before the Soviets arrived at Auschwitz, the Germans marched 60,000 prisoners out of the camp toward Wodzislaw, a town thirty-five miles away, where they were put on freight trains to other camps!. About one in four died on the way!.

11!. War Refugee Board -
Executive Order No!. 9417 Establishing a War Refugee Board

Within days of receiving the Treasury Department's indictment of the Government's failure to rescue Jews from the Nazis, President Roosevelt established the War Refugee Board!. Among other things it was charged with "the rescue, transportation, maintenance and relief of the victims of enemy oppression," and with "the establishment of havens of temporary refuge for such victims!." Although the WRB was not adequately funded and some of its programs met with very limited success, board representatives managed to help save the lives of approximately 200,000 European Jews!.

12!. Nuremberg Trial -
The Nuremberg Trials
After the war, some of those responsible for crimes committed during the Holocaust were brought to trial!. Nuremberg, Germany, was chosen as a site for trials that took place in 1945 and 1946!. Judges from the Allied powers -- Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States -- presided over the hearings of twenty-two major Nazi criminals!. Twelve prominent Nazis were sentenced to death!. Most of the defendants admitted to the crimes of which they were accused, although most claimed that they were simply following the orders of a higher authority!.

13!. Resistance -
An underground organization engaged in a struggle for national liberation in a country under military or totalitarian occupation!.

Jewish Resistance to the Nazi Genocide
Read the article!.
12 hours ago
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by Lejeune4!.!.!. Member since:
April 11, 2006
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2435 (Level 3) First, for descriptions you may want to go to: http://www!.ushmm!.org/research/center/ !. I survived the Holocaust as a teenager in hiding in Southeast Belgium!. The parents who reared were murdered either at majdaneck or Sobibor concentration camps!. You can, if interested, see their picture with me , then age 4 1/2 years old on the home page of the Yahoo! group Remember_The_ Holocaust!. Off the top of myy head, in answer, for a more comprehensive history see: The Holocaust by Sir Martin Gilbert; Martin Gilbert is also the professional historian ,who is the selected official biographer of the late Winston Churchill; T!.Saul Friedlander, The Years of Extermination, won this year's Pulitzer Prize for best book in history and many other literary prizes!. ,!. Sorry but the book written by the journalist Shirer in the 1950s is not about the Holocaust!. but the general story of the rise and fall of the Third Reich !. Shirer was not a historian , but a professional journalist As a journalist, in fact, in one interview, he took the blame for having missed the signs of the impending Holocaust while assigned as a correspondent in Berlin in pre-war Germany!. As suggested by others and I , you may wish to go to the www!.ushmm!.!.org website!. I have a personal library of 2,000 books on the Holocaust!. Therefore there are many books, many excellent onesaside the ones I mentionned briefly!. Dr!. Michael R!. Marrus, The Holocaust in History, is a good introduction also!. Primo Levi Survival in Auschwitz is a must reead as wellas Night by Elie Wiesel!. The first American book on the Holocaust was by the late Raul Hilberg , The Destruction of European Jews , published in l961!. Friedlander's book was published recently!.Www@QuestionHome@Com