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Position:Home>History> What's the best historical book describing the holocaust and nazi atrocities

Question: What's the best historical book describing the holocaust and nazi atrocities!?
Non-fiction, historical not novels *Www@QuestionHome@Com

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First, for descriptions you may want to go to: http://www!.ushmm!.org/research/center/ !. I survived the Holocaust as a teenager in hiding in Southeast Belgium!. The parents who reared were murdered either at majdaneck or Sobibor concentration camps!. You can, if interested, see their picture with me , then age 4 1/2 years old on the home page of the Yahoo! group Remember_The_ Holocaust!. Off the top of myy head, in answer, for a more comprehensive history see: The Holocaust by Sir Martin Gilbert; Martin Gilbert is also the professional historian ,who is the selected official biographer of the late Winston Churchill; T!.Saul Friedlander, The Years of Extermination, won this year's Pulitzer Prize for best book in history and many other literary prizes!. ,!. Sorry but the book written by the journalist Shirer in the 1950s is not about the Holocaust!. but the general story of the rise and fall of the Third Reich !. Shirer was not a historian , but a professional journalist As a journalist, in fact, in one interview, he took the blame for having missed the signs of the impending Holocaust while assigned as a correspondent in Berlin in pre-war Germany!. As suggested by others and I , you may wish to go to the www!.ushmm!.!.org website!. I have a personal library of 2,000 books on the Holocaust!. Therefore there are many books, many excellent onesaside the ones I mentionned briefly!. Dr!. Michael R!. Marrus, The Holocaust in History, is a good introduction also!. Primo Levi Survival in Auschwitz is a must reead as wellas Night by Elie Wiesel!. The first American book on the Holocaust was by the late Raul Hilberg , The Destruction of European Jews , published in l961!. Friedlander's book was published recently!. You would know all that if you were member of the Yahoo! group Remember_The_Holocaust!. I found that by doing thoroughly my homework, I felt more confident and eventually earned the respect of others!. That led to a succesful professional life as a politicl economist writing policy analyses and issue papers under 6 Presidential administrations in the Execitive Branch of the Federal Government in Washington DC!. I was recognized by being awarded the highest recognition in the Federal government to a public servant!. Not bad for someone who came to the US borrowing the money for his farfre andrepaying the loan quickly out of his first wages, Of vcourse, oddly , I attract a lot of envy and jealousies by some corelegionists!. While I was often warned about anti-semitism, actuall;y the only ones who ever atttempted to hinder me were American Jews! Some irony! I wish you a good life and you are welcome to join the group I moderateif you have the time and inclination!. You will learn a lot,!. i assure you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lodz Ghetto!.
Shirer as stated!.
There are thousands!.
Go to www!.ushmm!.org or yadvashem!.org!.

Go with LeJeune 42 on ANYTHING Holocaust related - he lived it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William ShirerWww@QuestionHome@Com