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Question: Is this right !?
its my second paragragh to my essay =)
tell me if its right !

also the Austro-Hungarian Empire was in trouble because since the empire was made of different countries, the different nationalities wanted independence and wanted to build their own empire!. But the Emperor wanted to keep all of his empire!. This was because the emperor doesn’t want the countries to break up and fall away because then the Austro-Hungarian Empire will be minor and other countries can invade to take other their empire!. This lead to the war because Russia was their rivalry and wanted to take land from them!. They became enemies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
bit sloppy, slightly childish language at time, couple of malapropisms!.
factually fairly solid though, tune it up a bit and it will be a decent paragraph!.

try: The Austro-Hungarian Empire was also in trouble due to the ethnic diversity of its peoples!. The different nationalities that made up the Empire wanted independence and a chance to have their own country!. etc

you need to be more clear about how internal tensions in the austro-hungarian empire led to war, mention how it caused tension with serbia (culminating in the assassination of franz ferdinand) and that russia was a close ally of serbia, their fellow slavic nation!.

good luck with itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds about right, abit sloopy though but should do the trick!. Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com