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Position:Home>History> I really need answers test tommoz?

Question: I really need answers test tommoz!?
can you tell me !. -the following things about the following people-
what are they famous for!?
what helped them in there discovery or knowledge!?
did they build on the works of others
if their ideas were correct or not
were their ideas for the better or worse
i want u to do these questions for the following peeps

Aneurin Bevan
Edwin Chadwick
robert koch
Ambroise Pare
Louis Pasteur
Howard flory
paul erlich

if you want you can just answer a few but tell me who u are answering i!.e!. robert koch

thanks sooooooooo much (just to say these are all medical people from greek times to modern times)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Joan the reason questions is here is for people to ask questions, if you dont want to help dont reply!.

Ambroise Pare

Unquestionably one of the greatest surgeons of the Renaissance was Ambroise Paré!. He was born in Laval in 1509, and apprenticed at 13 years to a barber-surgeon!. At 19, he became a "resident dresser" (i!.e!. resident surgeon) at the Paris Hotel Dieu, one of the finest teaching hospitals in Europe!. His physique was rather robust!. He loved a good story, and was very benevolent!. Paré joined the French Army and his skill and compassion in treating the soldier's maladies and wounds made him loved by these warriors!. He soon became famous in the French Court!. So famous was he, that when captured and about to be executed, an enemy officer recognized this soldier's doctor and spared his life!. While a young surgeon in the army of Francis II, he wrote a treatise on the "TREATMENT OF GUNSHOT WOUNDS" which became so popular that it was translated from French into Dutch, Italian, English, German, Spanish, and JapaneseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Louis Pasteur did something about milk!. I have no idea what he did or how he did it, but I think it was about discovering harmful bacteria in milk, so I think he was the one who came up with the idea of sterilising (or "pasteurising") milk so it's safe to drink!.

I dunno!. Maybe this may help:

Bevan was not exactly a medical person!. He was a politician and instrumental in the set up of the NHSWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not doing your work for you - but if I were you I'd choose another YA name!. Do you know what chocho means in Spanish!? Try looking it up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try Googling each name - why should we do your homework!?Www@QuestionHome@Com