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Position:Home>History> I have 12 world war 2 Questions please help?

Question: I have 12 world war 2 Questions please help!?
1)What happened in Europe during WW2!?

2)What happend before the War started to influence the conflict!?

3)What was the USA's involvement before the War!?

4)What was the cash and carry policy!?

5)Selective Service Act of 1940 did what!?

6)What happened at Pearl Harbor!?

7)When was Pearl Harbor!?

8)What did Pearl Harbor lead the US to do!?

9)During the war, what did the US do with the Japanese-Americans!? & Why!?

10)What was US's first plan of attack when the US entered the war!?

11)What was the project the Einstein and other scientists help begin in the US!?

12)Why did Einstein and other scientists need to complete this project!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Many countries were being conquered by the nazi's
2!.the Nazi's held power by hitler which rose the conflict
3!.the US had no involvement before the war, they were neutral
4!.The policy of cash and carry established at the onset of World War II in 1939 revised the Neutrality Acts that were established by US President Roosevelt in order to instill a sense of neutrality between the United States and the war that was raging in Europe
5!.the SSA recruited young men to be soliders, draft
6!.the japanese attacked because of their goal of conquering the pacific!.
7 pearl harbor was on DEC!. 7, 1941
8!.this event led to the decleration of war to japan; US enterd war
9!.they put japanese americans in labor camps; they didnt torture them!.
10!. attack the japanese and liberate the islands in the pacific; the same thing in europe with the nazi's
11!.the Manhattan project; to develop the atomic bomb
12!. they needed to complete this project before the Nazi's completed it!.

ur welcome!!!1 :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Germany invaded Poland, France, Norway, Russia and the balklands!.
2) Germany took over Austria, break down of treaty of Versailles
3) Neutral, sent supplies to United Kingdom
4) A policy where america still sent aid to the united kingdom but remained neutral against the axis forces
5) Conscripted American men into the armed forces for the first time during peace time
6) Japan attacked the US military fleet at pearl harbour
7) December 7 1941
8) Declare war on Japan, Germany and Italy
9) Sent them to concentration camps, to stop supposed japanese spying!.
10) America set up a plan to take care of europe first, however not totally sure about it
11) Manhattan Project
12) Help end the war quickly by making the atomic bomb

Hope ave help and the best of luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of your questions should be answered here:












These should all lead you to answers to your questions, doing your own research is invaluable to learning!Www@QuestionHome@Com

What kind of help are you exactly looking for!? Hints!? Or help in choosing the right question to answer!? Please be more specific!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. In europe during world war two, there was evacuation for children where they were taken out of towns often away from there families and sent to live in the country side!. In germany women started working to fill positions that men would fill but they were out fighting!.
2!. germany was still and from the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 and Hitler spent the time getting power and rebuilding his army, he wanted lebensraum(german word for living space) for his perfect german race and he wanted power of the world!.
3!. The USA didn't have any involvement in germany before the war, only when Woodrow wilson attended the Geneva peace conference in 1919!. They were neutral and sent supplies to britain, though
4!. Sorry not sure!
5!. This Selective Service Act required that men between the ages of 21 and 30 register with local draft boards!. Later, when the U!.S!. entered World War II, all men aged 18 to 45 were made liable for military service, and all men aged 18 to 65 were required to register
6!. Pearl Harbor was when the Japanese tricked US with talks of peace but then bombed their war ships at Pearl Harbor!.
7!. December 7th 1941!.
8!. It is what brought USA in to WWII!.
9!. They actually fought in the army because many of them hated Japan for what they did!.
10!. Sorry don't know
11!. Manhattan project!.
12!.They wanted to build an atomic bomb to get rid of Nazi's
Hope this helps a little!