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Position:Home>History> What was the Great Awakening? Why do you think it was important?

Question: What was the Great Awakening!? Why do you think it was important!?
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Hi Every!

The Great Awakening was a Protestant religious revival in the United States in the early 1800s!.

Here are a few of its consequences:

- The public mood turned away from the deism widespread in the time of the Founding Fathers!. Ordinary people took their religion much more seriously after this time!.

- It spawned new religious movements, including Mormonism and Adventism!. Quite a number of people became convinced that the Second Coming of Jesus would take place in 1844, and even after making public fools of themselves over it, persisted in this belief!.

- Look through public records of the time, and you will see a remarkable number of people of the time named Abraham (Lincoln), Ezekiel, Noah, Ebenezer and numerous other biblical names!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This question repeats itself here :

I'm sure it's mentioned somewhere in your textbook!. Or just google "great awakening"!.

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