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Question: Freemasons!?
Two kids in my algebra class showed me the back of a dollar bill today and told me that the U!.S!. was founded by freemasons and they are devil worshipers! Can someone tell me what this is all about!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am a Freemason and will be happy to help!.

Your students have been watching the Discovery Channel (or the History Channel)!. Both of which tend to freely mix fact and fiction when it comes to Freemasonry!.

There is no freemason symbolism on the US Dollar!. Many of the 'founding fathers' were freemasons, including Washington, Franklin, Revere, Hancock, etc!.!.!.

Freemasons are not devil worshippers - this stems from a joke that someone named Leo Taxil played on freemasonry in the 1800's!.

the Illuminati died out very soon after they started and never made it to the USA except in hollywood, novels and conspiracy theories :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dan Brown talks about his in one of his books 'Angles and Demons!.' How much of it is fact and how much of it is fiction I do not know!. He claims that some ensigma on the back of a dollar note is of Illuminati design!. The Illuminati were apparently not 'devil worshipers' but just a group of the most esteemed scientists of their day who were against the teachings of the Catholic Church!. The Vatican forced them to meet in secret etc etc blah blah and apparently they over the years infiltrated internation organsiations such as major banks, governments and organisations such as the Freemasons!.

If you read 'Angles and Demons' you'll find a wealth of information on this!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com