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Question: War of 1812 {{{10 Points!}}}!?
I have one question!.
What was the lasting legacy of the War of 1812!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are a number of aspects to this!. For the United States where, yes, those who supported the war called it the Second War of Independence, it did give some reinforcement to patriotic and nationalistic feelings!. On the more practical political level it spelt the end of the Federalist political party and the subsequent dominance of politics by the Democratic Party!. For Native Americans it was a disaster, ending the last hope for anything like an independent "Indian" political state in North America!. For Canadians and especially Upper Canadians (Ontarians) it was supremely important!. It let both to tremendous feeling of pride and accomplishment but also intensified loyalist devotion to Britain!. It made loyalism the dominant part of English Canadian political culture for the next 100 years!. In Lower Canada, Quebec, although the war papered over the growing divisions between English and French those divisions quickly reasserted themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it proved to the americans that they could not take over any country they wished - after that war they turned their attentions on easier 'landgrabs' like california - texas - new mexico - puerto rico - cuba - hawaii

though the british had been instrumental many canadians were and this showed the americans that they were -prepared to defend the nation - civilians too militias - the government and us troops invading thought they were ' liberating ' canadians from a colonial yoke of britain but the canadians enjoyed the relationship at that point in history for the most part

legacies - two were that york was more heavily defended as was kingston ontario after the war and canada was built up militarily with a more comprehensive force the fenian raids of the irish from america later in that century sent the irish packing back to the united states as canadian civilians and militia enjoyed the relationship with britain unlike americansWww@QuestionHome@Com

Francis Scott Key wrote the "Star Spangled Banner"!. also here is some info about the War of 1812:

The Basics - The War of 1812 is sometimes called the "Second War of Independence" or the "forgotten war!." It was fought until 1815 between the United States and Great Britain!. This conflict was caused mainly by the US resentment of British naval harassment!. The British were already at war with France!. They seized American ships and took seamen from them, some who were US citizens!. The British also attempted to keep US ships from reaching French ports!.

More Detail - The War of 1812 could be called the "war of poor communication!." Two days before the declaration of war, Great Britain agreed to repeal the naval laws which were chiefly responsible for the conflict!. Speedy communication would have also eliminated the greatest battle, the Battle of New Orleans that occurred 15 days after a peace treaty had been signed!.

The United States, still a fledgling country, risked national disaster by again going to war with powerful Great Britain!. Support in the US was divided with the West and South 'hawkish' for a fight, but people of the New England regions calling for cooler leadership and strongly opposed to war!. As the war continued, this internal division of support was amplified!. It was also strange that this war over freedom of the seas began with an unsuccessful land invasion of Canada!. The Treaty of Ghent ended the war but restored territories to prewar status and established a commission to settle Northwest Territory boundary disputes!. Both sides claimed victory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the lasting legacy was pretty much that the british realized that their power seemed to be weakening and that they could not handle batteling many people and expect to win!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the war of 1812 was known as second war of our independence!. it proved to the world that the United States was a country as strong as any in europe and that we were going to be respected as such!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It permanently kicked the British out of the United States!.
That's all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com