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Position:Home>History> What did Franco, Mussolini, and Hitler do differently?

Question: What did Franco, Mussolini, and Hitler do differently!?
How did their fascist rulings differ!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
they got labelled fascist but their policies were extremely different
Hitler's policies are racist socialism- in this manner he resembles Mao tse tung (in whose case the Han replace the Aryans)!. Current day China is precisely such a Nazi state that Hitler would have liked to have- total political control with superficial economic freedom

Mussolini promoted Nationalism and socialism- he favoured Italians as a whole (not any "racial" subsection) and was mostly concerned with increasing the size of his dominions!. No specific race based persecutions

Franco was a nationalist pure and simple- what he wanted is law and order, to replace the murders and anarchy which were an integral part of the Republican government!. He did not intervene in the economy (not much socialist ideology here) but got labelled as "fascist" simply because he was against the communist mercenaries who supported the Republic

When considering fascist rulers, please include Lenin, Stalin, Imperial Japan, Robert Mugabe and Castro!. I know they are sailing under different banners but they are what they are- regardless of the labellingWww@QuestionHome@Com

i'd say that Franco was protectionist and kept his **** in Spain!. Mussolini was Hitlers' puppet and Hitler just wanted to rule the world with his 'vital need' for space!.!.!.!. their ideology was basically the same though!.
But you can say the same thing about Stalin, Moa and Pol Pot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com