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Position:Home>History> What did Mussolini do during his ruling that made him famous?

Question: What did Mussolini do during his ruling that made him famous!?
Any big notable things he did!? Like how Hitler had the holocaust, did Mussolini have something big!? What did he do right or wrong!? How did he rule differently than Hitler!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (July 29, 1883 – April 28, 1945) was an Italian who led the National Fascist Party and is credited with being one of the key figures in the creation of Fascism!. He became the Prime Minister of Italy in 1922 and began using the title Il Duce by 1925!. Mussolini continued on in this role until he was replaced in 1943; for a short period after this until his death Mussolini was the leader of the Italian Social Republic!.

Mussolini was among the founders of Italian fascism, which included elements of nationalism, corporativism, national syndicalism, expansionism, social progress and anti-communism in combination with censorship of subversives and state propaganda!. In the years following his creation of the fascist ideology, Mussolini influenced, or achieved admiration from, a wide variety of political figures!.[1]

Among the domestic achievements of Mussolini from the years 1924–1939 were: his public works programmes such as the taming of the Pontine Marshes, the improvement of job opportunities, and public transport!. Mussolini also solved the Roman Question by concluding the Lateran Treaty between the Kingdom of Italy and the Holy See!. He is also credited with securing economic success in Italy's colonies and commercial dependencies!.[2]

Although he initially favoured siding with France against Germany in the early 1930s, Mussolini became one of the main figures of the Axis powers and, on 10 June 1940, Mussolini led Italy into World War II on the side of Axis!. Three years later, Mussolini was deposed at the Grand Council of Fascism, prompted by the Allied invasion!. Soon after his incarceration began, Mussolini was rescued from prison in the daring Gran Sasso raid by German special forces!.

Following his rescue, Mussolini headed the Italian Social Republic in parts of Italy that were not occupied by Allied forces!. In late April, 1945, with total defeat looming, Mussolini attempted to escape to Switzerland, only to be captured and summarily executed near Lake Como by Communist Italian partisans!. His body was taken to Milan where it was hung upside down at a petrol station for public viewing and to provide confirmation of his demise!.



Mussolini the environmentalist

As well as being an "anti-globalizer", there were several other ways in which Mussolini would have appealed to modern-day greenies!. He made Capri a bird sanctuary (Smith, 1967, p!. 84) and in 1926 he issued a decree reducing the size of newspapers to save wood pulp!. And, believe it or not, he even mandated gasohol -- i!.e!. mixing industrial alcohol with petroleum products to make fuel for cars (Smith, 1967, p!. 87)!. Mussolini also disliked the population drift from rural areas into the big cities and in 1930 passed a law to put a stop to it unless official permission was granted (Smith, 1967, p!. 90)!. What Green/Left advocate could ask for more!?


He made the trains run on time!. I am not making this up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think the biggest thing that made him famouse was that he was skinned alive!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com