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Position:Home>History> What documents, doctrines and events were part of the 'Containment Strategy&

Question: What documents, doctrines and events were part of the 'Containment Strategy'!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
truman doctrine, marshal plan, iron curtain, domino theory,
detente, george kennan came up with the idea of containment in a very long telegram, which was made public in 1947!.

as for events, there's a lot of them, including

all the ones on this page:
I found it very usefull to me!.

some of the big ones are bay of pigs, cuban missle crisis, all the proxy wars including vietnam, and korea!. the whole berlin crisis, and the U-2 incident!.!.!.the list goes on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
