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Position:Home>History> Who is Henry Ossian Flipper?

Question: Who is Henry Ossian Flipper!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Henry Ossian Flipper was born in Thomasville, Georgia, on March 21, 1856, into slavery and spent his formative years in Georgia!. Following the Civil War, he attended the American Missionary Association Schools in his home state!.He was commissioned a second lieutenant and assigned to the 10th Cavalry!. From 1878 until 1880 Lieutenant Flipper served on frontier duty in various installations in the southwest, including Fort Sill, Oklahoma!. His duties included scouting, as well as serving as post engineer surveyor and construction supervisor, post adjutant, acting assistant and post quartermaster, and commissary officer!.
In 1881 Lieutenant Flipper's commanding officer accused him of "embezzling funds and of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman!." As a result of these charges, he was court-martialed!. He was acquitted of the embezzlement charge but was found guilty, by general court martial, of conduct unbecoming an officer!. On June 30, 1882, he was dismissed from the Army as required by this convictionWww@QuestionHome@Com

He was the first ever black graduate of West Point!. He was dishonorably discharged for "conduct unbecoming of an officer" but was later exonerated 30-40 years after his death!. He was a buffalo soldier and a renowned engineer!. Born in slavery in Thomasville, GA!.Www@QuestionHome@Com