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Question: The 60's and 70's!?
I'm doing a project for US History, and I have to interview someone who's lived through the 60's/70's!.

Does anyone know some questions I can ask involving anything that went on between 1960-1979!?

We're supposed to have a variety of questions from different aspects, like the war--culture--civil rights movement--etc!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you better give me 10 points for this!.
What were your initial reactions to president Kennedy's assassination!?
What do you remember about the civil rights movement and the integration of schools!?
Were you active in the feminist movement!?
What were your impression of Nixon as a president!?
What was your reaction to the Kent State Massacre!?
How did the Cuban missile Crissis effect your life!?
Were you active in the hippie movement!? what do you remember about it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ask a question about the contemporary artist Andy Warhool or the contronversy between Marilyn Monroe and President kennedy!. also, ask about the Space Race!. Anyone who lived during those years knows about it!. Even if i was born in 1991, I really like the 60s and 70s!. Hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well the vietnam war was the main topic of the news-The shooting at Kent State due to the national guard being called in to handle the crowd of protestors left a young person dead from a gun shot wound-Watergate with the resignation of richard Nixon was big!. I know this will sound starnge but if you watch Forrest Gump-that movie is so SET in that time frame-Young people could hitch hike across the US without even thinking about it and not get murdered-Drugs-LSD Heroin- were all brand new-Woodstock was a huge concert at Max yagers farm in new york and turned out to be the single most biggest music concert in history-The Kennedys were aiming for the white house-Hope this helps! from a flower power childWww@QuestionHome@Com

Go to this website and you could ask questions about some of these major events that happened from 1960-1979!. Like for example, ask the person, what were some of the affects this had on you, or how did this change the way america acted!? or something like that!. be creative!


What happened in Kent State in Ohio during the Vietnam war!?

Was Richard Nixon impeached in his last term in office!?

During the Nixon/Kennedy Debates who won the radio broadcast of the debates!? Who won the televised broadcast of the same debates!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ask someone who grew up in an all white neighborhood what it was like when a black person moved in the neighborhood and my father said get that ****** off my property!. I did not know what he meant and I still don't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try questions around the vietnam war like what was it like!? it was the first war truly televised you know
then for the seventies in entertainment many famous rock bands were just coming out (AC/DC Black Sabbath Aerosmith Van Halen etc!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

ask about kent state!?
and the culture revolution!?
the Vietnam War!?
the Civil Rights movement!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

ask about carter legalizing drugsWww@QuestionHome@Com

The vietnam war, the evolution of music, the impeachment of Richard Nixon and the Watergate Scandal, TV shows, clothing styles,
The 1960s were marked by several notable assassinations!.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo, Patrice Lumumba, was assassinated by Belgian/Congolese firing squad on January 17, 1961!.
Medgar Evers, a NAACP field secretary, was assassinated by a Ku Klux Klan member on June 12, 1963!.
Vietnamese president Ngo Dinh Diem (Ng? Dình Di?m) was assassinated in the back of an APC November 2, 1963!.
US President John F!. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in his car during a parade, JFK assassination for more details!.
Malcolm X was assassinated on February 21, 1965
Civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr!. was assassinated on April 4, 1968!.
Senator Robert F!. Kennedy was assassinated on June 6, 1968!.
Social activist and deputy chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), Fred Hampton, was assassinated in December, 1969!.

Counterculture/social revolution
Younger generations soon began to rebel against the conservative norms of the time, as well as disassociate themselves from mainstream liberalism, in particular they turned away from the high levels of materialism which was so common during the era!. This created a counter-culture that eventually turned into a social revolution throughout much of the western world!. It began in the United States as a reaction against the conservative social norms and stasis of the 1950s, the political conservatism (and social repression) of the Cold War period, and the US government's extensive military intervention in Vietnam!. The more social/cultural youth from the movement were called hippies!. Together they created a new liberated stance for society, including the sexual revolution, questioning authority and government, and demanding more freedoms and rights for women, homosexuals, and minorities!. The Underground Press, a wide-spread, eclectic collection of underground newspapers served as a unifying factor for the counterculture!. The movement was marked by drug use (including LSD and marijuana) and psychedelic music!.
Anti-war movement
A mass movement began rising in opposition to the Vietnam War, ending in the massive Moratorium protests in 1969, and also the movement of resistance to conscription (“the Draft”) for the war!. The antiwar movement was initially based on the older 1950s Peace movement heavily influenced by the American Communist Party, but by the mid-1960s it outgrew this and became a broad-based mass movement centered on the universities and churches: one kind of protest was called a "sit-in!." Other terms heard nationally included the Draft, draft dodger, conscientious objector, and Vietnam vet!. Voter age-limits were challenged by the phrase: "If you're old enough to die for your country, you're old enough to vote!." Many of the youth involved in the politics of the movements distanced themselves from the "hippies"--they were the more serious protesters with a real cause!.

The most well-known anti-war demonstration was the Kent State shootings!. In 1970, university students were protesting the war and the draft!. Riots ensued during the weekend and the National Guard was called into maintain the peace!. However, by Monday, tensions arose again, and as the crowd grew larger, the National Guard started shooting!. Four students were dead and nine injured!. This event caused disbelief and shock throughout the country and became a staple of anti-Vietnam demonstrations!.
The Soviet Union and the United States were involved in the space race!. This led to an increase in spending on science and technology during this period!. The space race heated up when Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth and President Kennedy announced Project Apollo in 1961!. The Soviets and Americans were then involved in a race to put a man on the Moon before the decade was over!. America won the race when it placed the first men on the Moon: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, in July 1969!.

American automobiles evolved through the stream-lined, jet-inspired designs for sports cars such as the Pontiac GTO and the Plymouth Barracuda, Ford Mustang, and the Chevrolet Corvette!.

1960 - With the availability of the pill people started having a freer attitude towards sex, and an increase in unsafe sex as well!.[citation needed]
1960 - The first working laser was demonstrated in May by Theodore Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories!.
1961 - First human spaceflight to orbit the Earth: Yuri Gagarin, Vostok 1!.
1962 - First trans-Atlantic satellite broadcast via the Telstar satellite!.
1962 - The first computer video game, Spacewar!, is invented!.
1963 - The first geosynchronous communications satellite, Syncom 2 is launched!.
1963 - Touch-Tone telephones introduced!.
1964 - The first successful Minicomputer, Digital Equipment Corporation’s 12-bit PDP-8, is marketed!.
1964 - The first known programming language—BASIC—was created!.
1965 - Sony markets the CV-2000, the first home video tape recorder!.
1966 - The Soviet Union launches Luna 10, which later becomes the first space probe to enter orbit around the Moon!.
1967 - First heart transplantation operation!.
1967 - PAL and SECAM broadcast color TV systems start publicly transmitting in Europe!.
1967 - The first minibank is opened in Barclays Bank, London!.
1968 - First humans to leave Earth's gravity influence and orbit another world: Apollo 8!.
1968 - The first public demonstration of the computer mouse, the paper paradigm Graphical user interface, video conferencing, teleconferencing, email, and hypertext!.
1969 - Arpanet, the research-oriented prototype of the Internet, was introduced!.
1969 - First humans to walk on the Moon: Apollo 11!.
1969 - CCD invented at AT&T Bell Labs, used as the electronic imager in still and video cameras!.Www@QuestionHome@Com