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Question: Ancient Civ question!?!?
Which economic or political system is marked by the desire to expand the borders of one territory to contain many others!?

*don't you guys think this is really vague!? :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that the question is a little bit too specific!.
For all the ancient world we have too few quantitative evidence for any complete economical analisys!. The sources are often casual and in general they rarely permit some statistical deduction!.
We know, quite generally, some ancient political systems (althought normally are more important the concrete situations and parties active in these systems), and all of these have the desire to expand themselves, as well as the ones in the following times!. Von Clausewitz said that the war is the prosecution of politics with other mediums!. A state try ever to expand his influence, the war (or, to respond to this question, the annexion) is only one possible way!.
At this point we have to ask to ourselves what a state is and what do we mean with influence!. These have not the same meaning for all times!. For the ancient world the question is very difficult!. First of all we have not to think to our geographic maps: it seems that the ancients had another perception of space by following itinerars (that is a one-dimensional wiew (or one-and-a-half), our is two-dimensional)!. This mean that our way to represent a state as a stain that expand or restrict itself is imprecise: the desert zones for example were not even considered (for they have no itnerars), the borderlines were rarely defined and often they followed the agricultural field's borders or natural barriers (in case of a military strategic border)!. There are furthermore many other questions we have to put to ourselves, and there are many possibly different answers for each one, that lead us to represent different worlds or look at them in another way!. For example: what is the difference between a payment to mercenary troops, a tribute to a people (the same ones before) and an administrative payment for the maintenance of a province (owned by the same above)!? What is the difference between a driect dominion on a territory and the political control of the autonomous state that own it!? what is the difference between a war declared by a whole state and a war declared and entirely financiated by only a party!?
These questions are quite common (but not ever discernible) in history, and normally it is possible to answer them!. The hard (but also the beautiful) begins when we ask what is a victory, what is a war and then why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is likely for any ancient civilization to have the desire to expand, regardless of it's political division!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are they looking for 'empire' as an answer!?Www@QuestionHome@Com