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Position:Home>History> The jews population in the world today is estimated around 13-14 million...?

Question: The jews population in the world today is estimated around 13-14 million!.!.!.!?
In the nazi regime, an estimated 6 million jews were killed, so in 60 years, the jewish population only increased in about 7 million!?!?
plz im not an antisemitic, im just looking for answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
take into account the basis of Jewish descent is the religion!. If it is not expanding the numbers are not going to be as strong!.
Many will claim the basis is the blood line to Abraham, but there is no evidence that supports this!. So, as a religion it will have it's up ears and down years!.
The 6 mil number may be inflated too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lets understand your question!.!.!.

Today 13-14,000,000
Killed by nazi's 6,000,000

If there was no population growth, that would indicate Jews numbered 20,000,000 before WWII!.

Where are you getting 7 million from!.
The nazi's killed 6 million, NOT that there were 6 million afterwards, meaning the Jewish population doubled since!.

Even were you forming a logical question, it is quite reasonable that the Jewish population would double in 60-70 years!.
It not uncommon for a Jewish couple to have 5 or more children!.

I think the absence of logic in your question demonstrates the absence of logic in your perspective!.

Be well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One problem you have here is that "jewish" is used as both a religious and an ethnic term!. If your population estimate refers only to those identifying religiously as jews, then it will not include those born jewish but non-religious!.

also, the great majority of jews are of white, European descent -- that group has had a much lower birth rate in recent years than other ethnic groups!. Places with high poplulation growth rates due to births nearly all have very low jewish populations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.again, that you ask belies your intent!.

Yes - of course you have the right!. It's just with that right comes the responsibility, duty even, not to denigrate the holocaust!.Www@QuestionHome@Com