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Question: WW1 History Draft help!?
I need to write a DBQ ( Like a promt for a certian history lesson) about WW1, and come up with Documents for the person to look at and use to help support or defend your answer!.

Soooo my question was!.!.!.!.!.
"The first Major draft of the United States that occurred during WWI, where more than 24 million men were drafted between the years 1917 and 1918!. Analyze how Effective a Draft was on WWI and chose weither you feel it was a Necessary move for U!.S!. to win the war!?"

But im not sure if it's a good question to use or not!.
Soooo if anyone here has any helpful documents,Ideas, or criticism

I would greatly appreciate it!.

Thanks in advance!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For a document based question, you might want to go in a slightly different direction!. Stick with the draft, but use documents from supporters and opponents of the draft!.

Try something like: "What were the main arguments for the draft!? What were the main arguments against the draft!? Which do you find more convincing!?"

Eugene Debs Canton speech is a good indication of anti-war sentiment during WW1:

Several other Socialist speakers also argued against the war!.

For pro-war sentiment, I would look to the Committee for Public Information (Creel Committee), the public relations campaign to build support for WW1: