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Position:Home>History> Can anyone explain how the Bombing of Rotterdam connects to Anne Frank going int

Question: Can anyone explain how the Bombing of Rotterdam connects to Anne Frank going into hiding!?
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After fierce fighting near Arnhem and the bombing of Rotterdam, Holland was forced to surrender!. Nazi rule brought identity cards,food rationing, black-outs, and persecution of Dutch Jews!.The Dutch Jewish population in 1940 was about 140,000, of whom 24,000 were refugees!. Some 90,000 Jewslived in Amsterdam, the largest Jewish community in Holland!. Most were poor; a minority were professionals!.Between May 1940 and the summer of 1941 the Nazis gradually removed Jews from public life!.Although Jews had lived reasonably freely in Holland for centuries, antisemitism was not unknown!. A DutchNazi party thrived in the 1930s; its members welcomed their German counterparts!. Thousands of Dutch men assisted by rounding up Jews, sometimes as brutally as the Germans!.The first mass arrests of Jews began in February 1941!. On the 22nd of February, 400 Jewish men and boyswere grabbed from streets and homes, beaten, and taken away!. No one knew where they had been taken!. In Juneanother 230 Jews disappeared!. To protest, the Dutch, and especially its Communist party, organized a two-daystrike, one of the most significant acts of West European resistance during the war!. Nazi troops moved in to restoreorder!.Eventually Jews were excluded from schools and compelled to wear the yellow star!. By July 1942 unemployed Jewish men, forced to leave their homes, were told they would work in Eastern Holland!. In fact, they were taken to concentration camps!. This was when Anne Frank’s family decided to go into hiding!.In 1944, after two years in hiding, the Frank family was betrayed, tracked down, arrested, and taken to Auschwitz!.