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Question: 1950's US History question!?
I'm having some trouble with this homework question from my history class!. Thanks for the help!

"Do you agree with the critics of the time that the 1950's was an "age of conformity"!? Why or why not!? How did the conformity of the 1950's lead to protest in the 1960's!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The 1950s was definitely the "age of conformity!." Everyone had the same house, the same lawn, the same car, the same everything!. All the women were house-wives, all the dads working men, and all the younger folks!.!.!. whatever they had in common!. It's like this line from Little Shop of Horrors: "All the houses are so pretty, because they're all exactly alike," (or something to that effect)!.

This lead to the 1960s' protests, because many minorities wanted to step out from that conformity!. African Americans the most, though not previously mentioned, wanted it!. They had been seen has inferior and not having enough intellect!. Some other minorities were Women (who didn't want to be "just a housewife" anymore), Native Americans, Latinos, etc!. Conformity just wasn't fitting into these people's lifestyles anymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would agree that the early 1950s was the age of conformity!. You had the McCarthy witchhunt going on, you had the idealization of the family with the stay at home wife and working husband, you had the alteration of the Pledge of Alliegence and the changing of the Motto of the USA!. All designed to emphasize that conformity!.
But it didnt last through the decade!. After WW 2, where large numbers of women worked outside the home, where Blacks fought and died for the country that wouldn't let them eat at the same counters as their white compatriots, the backlash began!. The civil rights movement, the birth of a generation who had never known wartime privation, the constant fear of nuclear armageddon led to the protests of the 1960s!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Isn't that when everyone was like Beaver Cleaver!?Www@QuestionHome@Com