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Position:Home>History> Why is JFK so revered, is it because of the assassination?

Question: Why is JFK so revered, is it because of the assassination!?
JFK was weak at first before the missle crisis when Krushchev established the Berlin wall and really accelerated the cold war!. He also was an adulterer, and started the militarys presence in Viet Nam which was accelerated into over 50k deaths and over 100,000 mental and physical injuries!. He was elected by the help of Sam Giancana the Chicago mafia king pin through the union support as a favor to Joe his dad, there were so many weaknesses and frailties why is he so revered!? Seriously Im not trying to put the man down, I respect every president!.!.!.but I cant believe how godlike folks make him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
~Dallas created the Kennedy myth and mystique!. JFK would have had an extremely hard time winning reelection in 1964 and he knew it!. That is why he went to Dallas in the first place, to drum up votes and support!.

Kennedy was a joke during the missile crisis!. He had campaigned on his lies about the "missile gap"!. He knew full well that the US missiles outnumbered Soviet missiles by almost ten to one, and that US warheads were more deadly and US launch vehicles had better range and were more accurate!. JFK's lies led to his and McNamara's grand plan, MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) and the largest, most dangerous and most deadly arms race in human history was underway!.

The Soviets did not put missiles in Cuba on a whim!. Richard Nixon had devise the Bay of Pigs invasion and Ike signed off on it!. Kennedy was briefed on the plan after his election and he gave the go ahead!. In doing so, he told CIA that he would NOT commit US air or naval forces to the invasion!. CIA neglected to tell Kennedy that the Company's own estimates doomed the project to failure unless the rebel Cubans were support by the US Navy and Air Force!. CIA also 'forgot' to tell Kennedy that there was incontrovertible proof that the Soviets, and therefore Castro, had gotten hold of the invasion plans, right down to the date, time and landing sites!. The project was doomed before it began and it, just like the several assassination attempts against Castro before it, failed!.

The US had installed nuclear missiles in Turkey!. Khrushchev first requested, then demanded, that they be removed!. Kennedy refused!. Given the assassination attempts and the Bay of Pigs, Castro was more than amenable to the Soviet request to install the missiles in Cuba!. When the missiles were discovered (as Khrushchev knew and planned they would be), the crisis followed!. Khrushchev, by back channel, then offered to withdraw them immediately and publicly on Kennedy's promise that the US missiles would be pulled from Turkey under cover of darkness within six months and that the US would stop trying to kill Castro and would promise not to invade Cuba again!. For his efforts, Khrushchev was removed from power by a Politburo coup a few months later!. For his efforts, Kennedy was damned by CIA and the Joint Chiefs!. The US was closer to a military coup during the Kennedy years than at any other time in US history!. There was a very good reason that JFK pressured John Frankenheimer into producing "Seven Days in May"!.

Kennedy's medical records have been declassified!. He had been given last rites at least 6 times in the five years before his election!. It is doubtful he would have lived out another term!. His steroid abuse was affecting not only his physical health but his personality and mental abilities as well!. He was addicted to speed!. Max "Dr!. Feelgood" Jacobs was at his beck and call to keep his habits fed!. Bobby tried to convince him that his drug abuse something he might want to think about!. Jack's reply according to Jackie and Bobby!? "I don't care if it's horse piss!. It works!." During the missile crisis, Jack was on at least nine prescriptions which so alter one's cognitive abilities that the Air Force will not let someone taking even ONE of those meds to speak in a supervisory capacity on the radio to a pilot in the air!. Ad to the prescriptions the illegal drugs JFK was taking, including the the pot in the White House and the LSD he was tripping on with at least one of his lady friends!.

JFK did NOT start Nam!. Ho Chi Minh, Vo Nguyen Giap and the Viet Minh had been active long before WWII as Vietnamese freedom fighters, patriots and nationalists!. When Vichy France took over Indochina after the fall of France and FDR's provocations had caused Hitler to abandon the Chinese and sign the Tripartite Pact with Japan (and Italy) to discourage overt US participation in the war, FDR sent massive aid, in the form of arms, munitions, equipment, advisers, funding and other aid to Ho and the Viet Minh for use against the French and Japanese!. Then at Yalta and Potsdam, FDR sold out the Vietnamese people and agreed that after the war Vietnam would be divided into North and South with the British occupying the South and the Nationalist Chinese the North!. Mao defeated Chaing Ki Shek and the Nationalist Chinese were removed from the equation!. The French wanted their empire back and the British were having enough trouble in the British Mandate of Palestine, so the Brits gave Vietnam back to the French with Harry Truman's blessings in 1946!. Ho and his independence movement (composed of Vietnamese nationalists, communist and non-communist alike, north and south) gained strength and support!. Ho and Giap defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 and the French pulled out!. They told Dwight Eisenhower to stay out, that the Viet Minh were too popular, too strong and too capable in the field to defeat!. Ike didn't listen!. The French told Ike to stay away from Ngo Dinh Diem, that he was an incompetent, corrupt madman!. With help from the CIA and US military, Ike insured that Diem was "elected" in the South!. Diem then went on his killing spree and subjugated the South Vietnamese people under his boot of military tyranny while Ike ordered CIA and the US military to protect him and keep him in power!. Ho's popularity and support swelled again!. The 1954 Geneva Accords required internationally supervised elections to be held to reunify Vietnam in 1956!. Ho, by now the equivalent of a Vietnamese George Washington in the South as well as the North, would have won in a landslide!. Diem refused to allow the elections!. Ike backed him!. Kennedy inherited this scenario in 1960!. He ordered CIA and the US military to protect Diem!. By 1963, Kennedy had seen the light!. He was talking of pulling out!. First, however, he approved the assassination of Diem, who was murdered on November 2, 1963!. (Ironic date, what!?)

The mob connection is old news!. It was hardly limited to Momo Giancana!. Papa Joe Kennedy had lots of connections left over from his days as a bootlegger and he used them all!. Between the mob and the Teamsters (not that there was that much of a distinction) JFK stole the West Virginia primary (critical to his nomination) and Illinois in the general election (absolutely vital to his election)!. JFK repaid his debt to the mob by appointing brother Bobby as Attorney General and going after both the Teamsters and the Mob!. Kennedy was not terribly loyal to those to whom he was indebted!.

There is a whole lot more!. Suffice to say that Kennedy was one of the least effective and most corrupt presidents we have had since US Grant and, but for Lee Harvey Oswald's bullets, he would have earned his due and proper place in history!. Of course, Bobby, until the day he died, always believed the Cuban exiles, together with the CIA and Joint Chiefs of Staff, had a hand in that!. So it goes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was a WW2 war hero!.
He represented a passing of the torch to a new generation in his time!.
The whole Camelot thing!. A beautiful wife,(even if he cheated on her) a great family!.
The press wasn't quite as blood thirsty back then!. He was able to hide his indiscretions from the public!.
His physical frailties were also kept from the public, so he was portrayed as young and virile!.
He was considered to be a handsome man, and he had a very likeable personality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its cuz he was handsome its because he was a ladies man and that all American kinda guy!.!.!.think about it people with the most problems are always the ones remember!.!.!.look at bill Clinton no one remembers how bombed a place in the middle east that turned out to be a small town and a factory that was making medicine not bombs!.!.the remember his bj by the chubby intern!.!.!.thats just america for youWww@QuestionHome@Com