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Position:Home>History> Why don't you like John F. Kennedy?

Question: Why don't you like John F!. Kennedy!?
Why do I get the feeling not a lot of you liked JFK's term of president, regardless of how short it was!?

Respect the man and what he accomplished in such a short time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A few crackpots don't like him or his legacy, but that's about it!. He was right for the country at the moment, and he relied on Dwight Eisenhower to help him through the Cuban crisis, which is a sign of sanity!. He was surrounded by people he didn't trust, like LBJ, J Edgar Hoover and Robert McNamara!. He was fed false informaiton by McNamara and others, and reluctantly increased the troops in Vietnam!. He countered with people he did trust, like Bobby Kennedy (who cracked open southern opposition to civil rights) and Sargent Shriver (who started the Peace Corps)!.

He may not have been a great president had he lived, but he certainly got through some dark moments of the Cold War better than Richard Nixon would EVERY have done!. We may have been involved in a WW III had the republicans won!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read the truth not the film footage, JFK was a crook, his brother
was a crook, his father was a crook!. Do you think Bobby Kennedy was an honest appointment to attroney general!. Do
you know how many thousands of men died in Vietnam because
Bobby directly altered the design of the M-16 so it was unreliable
and forced the military to adopt it with-out proper testing!. Do you
know how much money the Kennedies made from Colt Arms
investments over that deal!. There is much much more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, besides the Bay of Pigs thing, he did manage to pry open that whole can of worms things in Vietnam!. So!.!. its a mixed bag I think!.!.!. some very good and some not so good!. He was a good offset for Russia's Mr!. K certainly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was a mediocre president who got shot in the head!.!.!. history is full of people who would've faded into obscurity had they not died in their prime!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Last time I checked JFK is one of the most well liked presidents of all time!.!. So I really don't know what you are talking about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com