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Position:Home>History> Confused about year BC/AD?

Question: Confused about year BC/AD!?
What era are we currently living in right now 2008 AD(year of our lord)!?

Is1AD equivalent to year 1 of our current calendar!? Please explain!.

And is BC (before christ) any year before year 1!? (1 AD)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, think of this:

The timeline is a number line!. BC=the negative integers, while AD is the positive integers!.

1 AD is our year 1, and it's moving to the left in the timeline, anything that's BC is a negative integer, moving left on the timeline!. Remember this, and the times will take care fo themselves!

here's advice from your neighborhood friendly Immortal ninja!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with the answers you've gotten so far!.

The BC and AD thing is always confusing to people when they're first introduced to it!. In jokes, and sometimes in real life, someone always wants to know if they called the years BC, if they didn't know Christ was going to be born!. It all started with a monk trying to make sense of the dates, and using the ages of the church fathers and the patriarchs of the Bible to put it in a framework!.

Some archaeologists are using BP now, meaning before the present, which I like because it has no particular reference to any religion, and it would correspond to the radiocarbon dating process, since Carbon 14 decays at the same rate, and there's no separation between the birth of Christ and antiquity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Year 1 AD is just our first year, 2007 years ago!. Everything before it is BC, the immediately preceeding year being 1 BC, and two years earlier being 2 BC, etc!. BC years run backwards, so Julius Caesar was murdered in 44 BC, 45 years before 1 AD!. There is no year zero, 1 BC being immediately followed by 1 AD, 2 AD, etc right up to now: 2008 AD!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1A!.D!. means 1year after the birth of Christ!. so this time Jesus is 1years old!. 1B!.C!. is also 1 year before Jesus was born!. This means that 1 B!.C!. is 2years before 1A!.D!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're actually making it easier to understand in textbooks now!. It will be BCE (before common era) and CE (common era)!. So before the common era would before year zero and so fourth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com