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Position:Home>History> 5 Social Study Questions... HELP please!?

Question: 5 Social Study Questions!.!.!. HELP please!!?
1!. Nationalism that caused World War I!?
2!. Allied Power view on Wilson's peace without victory!?
3!. What happened that made allies need the U!.S!. to enter WWI more urgently!?
4!. What underlying cause of war allowed U!.S!. to used poison gas and other technology!?
5!. Why did the U!.S!. senate refuse to end WWI!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Nationalism that caused World War I!?

Several European countries felt justified in taking advantage of neighboring countries thinking their people were somehow better or more deserving of the land, space, resources, or economic opportunities to be had in Europe and the world!. This was the excessive pride that was nationalism!. Germany is probably the best example, but other European countries had similar ambitions

2!. Allied Power view on Wilson's peace without victory!?

The Allies - Britain and France - would have liked a complete military victory, but they were exhausted by over four years of total warfare!. They achieved their political agendas without total military triumph - - much to the annoyance and bitterness of the Germans!.

3!. What happened that made allies need the U!.S!. to enter WWI more urgently!?

Russia dropped out of the war in 1917 (due to the revolution) allowing approximately a million more German troops to leave the Eastern front and concentrate against British and French forces in Western Europe!.

4!. What underlying cause of war allowed U!.S!. to used poison gas and other technology!?

Not a good question by your teacher in my opinion!. There was no cause of WWI that would justify the war let alone the use of poison gas and "other technology!." What technology does your teacher mean by this!? Airplanes!? Bombing!? Significant bombing of civilians was not a major part of the 1st World war!.

5!. Why did the U!.S!. senate refuse to end WWI!?

Differing slants on this!. Some felt that the leading senators were annoyed that they had not been consulted as Wilson pushed his peace plan!. Others think it was the requirement for the U!.S!. to be involved in European political squabbles under the League of Nations!. Many Americans wanted to stay out of Europe's centuries old infighting and warfare for self-centered national interests!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Nationalism is extreme pride in ones country!. The countries all had lots of pride in their country and thought they were better than the others!. They used that mentality to try to invade other weaker countries!. Nationalism isn't the only reason why WWI started!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!.nationalism is were a country will do anything at the expense of other countries to make themselves better!. But it didnt really cause ww1!.Www@QuestionHome@Com