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Position:Home>History> Cleopatra???

Question: Cleopatra!?!?!?
i am doing a history project on ancient egypt & i am interviewing cleopatra!. i need ask her 5 questions!. at the moment i only have!. They are;
-How did you become the queen of egypt!?"
-Where did you grow up!?
-What sort of clothing do people wear!?

Serious answers only please
thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You were the first member of your family to actually learn to speak Egyptian!. Why did you learn that language, and how did you become so good at languages (she spoke several fluently)
What was your first impression of Julius Caesar!?
If things had turned out differently, would you have preferred to see your son Caesarion as Pharoah or as Emporer of Rome!? Do you think he could have managed to be both!?
Why do you think Marc Anthony failed you!?
Did you try to woo or bribe Octavion, or did you realize there was no other way out but death or humiliation!?
Do you consider yourself Macedonian or Egyptian first and foremost!?
Who were your favorite writers of antiquity!? How did it feel living in Alexandria with its huge library!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go for a more personal question, the last 2 are pretty dud questions sorry to say!. My ideas!?
- At the time of your rule, the Roman Empire effectively ruled Egypt!. Why did you let Rome rule Egypt!? Fear or an attempt to gain power!?
- Your method of suicide has gone down in history as unique!. Why did you choose that method!? (Poisoning self with snakes btw)
- Did you kill yourself out of heartbreak for Marc Antony!? Or did you kill yourself from fear of losing your most influential friend!.

Thats some off the top of my head!. Hope I helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why did you give everything up for Mark Anthony!?
Did you really drink a pearl!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

What are your favorite foods!?
Where is your favorite place!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

please send me your email at yuri_nicko@yahoo!.com then i'll send you the answers!.!.!.!.!.!. just give me time to find the right info!.!.!.!.!.!.!. i think i was able to save some files about that!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com