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Position:Home>History> What Ever Happened To Amelia Earhart?

Question: What Ever Happened To Amelia Earhart!?
what ever happen to her or what do u think happen to her 10 pts for the best theory or answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There was a huge communication mess up due to having new radio equipment!.!.!.and also everyone miscalculated everything, distance from a checkpoint at Howland islands near Hawaii!. She went missing!. There was a huge search, navy and all, and still she was never found!. There are many myths and theories on what happened to her!.

Those are the facts!.!.!.she went missing, and it IS mysterious!.

A long time ago!.!.!.and this is the myth i am going with :)!.!.!.because it fancies with my imagination, is that SHE DISAPPEARED INTO THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE!.
The idea that she flew into an uncharted area and where there was this black hole type area!.!.!.and now she could be anywhere, another time or dimention :)

i like that theory :) look into it!

I thought it was interesting!.!.!.but i just looked it up!.!.!.and now it doesnt make sense because the bermuda triangle was said to be in the atlantic ocean!.!.!.either i was told by an idiot, or maybe there is a similar thing in the pacific ocean where Amelia was :) hey why not!?

OKAY OKAY i just looked it up some more!.!.!.and some experts say that it was possibly A SIMILAR THING TO THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE!.!.!.so yes my theory is just as possible as everyone else's :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some say that she became disoriented and crashed into the sea!. Others claim that she was captured by the Japanese and interned as the invasions from that country was shortly to come!.

It's a well known fact the the antennae that was in use on that type of plane had been removed or altered, limiting communications!. Given the fact that it was just before the war, it's possible that she may have been shot down or interned by the Japanese!.

Frankly, I think she became lost, ran out of fuel and crashed into the sea!. Her fate is something that we may never know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

amelia earhart either:
crashed into the sea and sank
tried landing on Gardner Island but crashed
there are also myths and legends as to why she disappearedWww@QuestionHome@Com

She crashed in the jungles and she's never been found!. not very mysterious or exciting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

quick sand!Www@QuestionHome@Com