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Question: Holocaust research paper!?
i need to write a research paper on how, "Josef Mengele was a powerful, unethical man of the WWII era who attempted to justify his cruelty!."

Does anyone have any ideas of how i could explain that & any helpful articles!?

thanks so muchh :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is an amazing book out about him!. You'll have to order it for I never found it in a bookstore!. It's Auschwitz It's by Dr!. Miklos Nyiszlei!. He worked with Megele to be saved from death!. It tells a lot about what he did in the camp and who he chose!. The best of luck to you!. I'm fascinated with the holocaust and would love to write a paper! Need more help just message me!Www@QuestionHome@Com