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Position:Home>History> How tolerant were English people in the Middle Ages?

Question: How tolerant were English people in the Middle Ages!?
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Very tolerant - There was no-one left who was different!. The Jewish population had been forcibly removed, England was often at war with her neighbours, the Welsh were subdued, Ireland invaded, so there was no-one to tolerate, unless you mean Edward II - in which case I think we were fairly intolerant, just look what happened to him!.

The Jews were expelled from England in 1290, there are horrific stories of ship's captains allowing their passengers to 'stretch their legs' on Dogger Bank, then leaving them to drown!.

The people were not at all tolerant of those that did not agree with the religious leaders they followed!. Jews, and non-believers had a hard time whether they be protestant, catholic or others!. Generally this was lead by the king or queen of the day!. Those that stole or were accused of crime were punished severely, often hung or otherwise put to death!. The same applied to those that disagreed with the King or who were thought to have plotted against the King!. The average peasant had virtually no rights if the local Lord decided they should be dispossessed then that's what happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the Jewish population was kicked out of England by Edward I (1290), not to come back till the time of Cromwell!.
It was no good being jewish since the beginning of the crusading movements!. Troops of peasants, knights or city inhabitants would hunt down and occasionnally massacre the jews, especially during Easter or when a crusade was preached!.
Before that time, they were under royal protection and were money lender, an activity prohibited by the Church!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would imagine they were more tolerant than these days!
However I would imagine laws were stricter and jail sentances firmer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am assuming they weren't very tolerant!. Everyone hated Jews back then!. Jews had to country-hop every few years!. They couldn't stay in one place most of the time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tolerant of what!? They were more tolerant in some ways and less in others!. Do you have any specific aspect of society in mind!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Compared to the Welsh,Scots and Irish,very tolerant!Www@QuestionHome@Com

very less tolerantWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not very!. I believe the Jews were expelled from England in the 1200s!.Www@QuestionHome@Com