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Position:Home>History> Why did the United States enter the Vietnam War?

Question: Why did the United States enter the Vietnam War!?
anybody know!?
was it to fight the commies in North Vietnam!?
preserve democracy!?

i would wuv some answers :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
to prevent communism from spreading!. they believed in the domino theory!. the idea that if one country fell (to communism) , the others near it would follow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When the French withdrew in 1954 after their defeat at Dien Bien Phu, the country of Vietnam was divided into the North, under the communist-dominated government of Ho Chi Minh and the South under a weak monarchy, initially, and then under a series of pseudo-democratic governments!. The treaty that divided the country made provisions for "fair and Free" elections in 1959 to reunite the country under one rule!. When 1959 came around, the Southern Government refused to abide by the internationally-sponsored elections because they said the vote in the North could not be considered fair and free!. At that point, the US backed the South and began providing arms and advisors to train the South's army, the ARVN!. The advisory role continued to grow slowly until the Gulf of Tonkin Incident in 1964 triggered the large scale involvement of US air power against the North, and when the air bases in South Vietnam where the US aircraft were flying from were attacked, then US ground forces were deployed!. The US line was always that we were fighting to prevent Communist expansion and to preserve democracy!. However, to be fair, it's almost impossible to paint the RVN (South) as a democracy!. The strategic or global element was that the US feared that if the Communists were able to take South Vietnam, they would then take Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand before pushing farther South!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Initially they came to help the French and then got caught up in preventing communism from taking over South Vietnam!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to stop north vietnam from taking over south vietnam and spreading communismWww@QuestionHome@Com