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Position:Home>History> Why did the Untied States entered World War II?

Question: Why did the Untied States entered World War II!?
preserve democracy!?
we just didn't like the Germans!?

help me!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was not only the fact that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor or that Germany declared war on the U!.S!.

It was also the fact that the British intercepted what became known as the Zimmerman note!. It was a proposition sent from Hitler to Mexico saying that if Mexico invaded and declared war on the U!.S!. that Hitler would support them and let them have their land back!. This upset many Americans and helped throw us into the madness of WW2!.

also the fact that many Americans feared that since the mainland of Europe was basically lost at that point, that Britain would never survive!. Little did we know that Britain had gotten a lot more stubborn since the Revolutionary War lol!. Without America, Hitler would have been victorious in WW2 I have no doubt about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many reasons, including that Nazi Germany was sinking American supply ships because the US was providing financial and military support to the Allied troops (England, France, China and Russia)!.

Most importantly, Japan attacked the US naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, without a declaration of war or any warning that hostlities were being commenced, sinking most of the battle fleet!.

The day after the attack, December 7th, 1941, President Roosevelt went before the US Congress and asked for a formal declaration of War with Japan in retaliation!. With the exception of Janet Rankin (Montana), the US Congress voted unamiously for War!.

President Roosevelt never asked for war with Italy or Germany before the Congress!. Instead, three days after December 7th, Italy and Germany declared war on the United States!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pearl Harbor, while the milestone of action by the axis powers, wasn't the only reason the US entered WWII!. We had been upping our readiness throughout the 1938 - 1941 period preceeding Pearl Harbor, and were relatively certain that regardless of direct action, we would be drawn into the war!. Ultilmately, the reason we entered the war was that Hitler/Germany's growth, violation of the treaty from the end of WWI and potential alignment with Russia (which clearly went a different way) were all too great a risk for a Europe wholly dominated by Hitler!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The impetus was Peal Harbor!. There was also the Zimmerman note from Germany to Mexico asking for their support against the US and Germany would help them get back Texas and the rest of the territory we paid them for after fighting the Mexican American War!. It was also the submarines sinking British ships with Americans aboard that upset the US!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The simplest answer is probably that it was a near certainty that Germany would have gotten around to attacking the United States sooner or later!. It's a lot easier to win that war with Russia and England on our side!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, we werent the ones to declare war, Germany and Italy declared war on us first, 3 days after we declared war on Japan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pearl Harbor!?
Germany declared war on US!?

Haven't you heard!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

uh, because the japanese attackedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Really, the Pearl Harbor attack was in all the papers!Www@QuestionHome@Com