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Question: Medieval names!?
During medieval times the people could have names like Peter son of so and so, what about women!? Do they go by Lucy daughter of so and so!? I know it could also be based on their characteristics and ocupation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it would be "Lucy daughter of ______" because in books that I read that take place in medieval times, women introduce themselves like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Nordic countries, that was the case (Johnsson and Gertrudesdottir)!. That is still the case in Iceland, but other countries use names like Johnsson for men and women!.

In much of Europe, people didn't have last names--they were known by their profession if they had a trade (Shoemaker, Mason, Carpenter, etc!.), by the manor if they were serfs (John of Dumbarton Manor), and by the region if they were nobility (Sir James of Dumbarton)!.

The rise in trade and mobility changed much of this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on where you lived, here are a couple good sites that try to explain what can be somewhat complicated:



I don;t know if they do a son of thing for girls but here are the popular names^Www@QuestionHome@Com