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Position:Home>History> What is the Berlin Wall and why was it made?

Question: What is the Berlin Wall and why was it made!?
Ill give any1 10 ponts if you ANSWER it firstWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Berlin wall was in Germany!. It was to separate the East an d West side of Berlin!. The wall separated the 2 sides for 28 years!. One was more of a dictatorship, and one was more of a freedom one!. If you were caught trying to get from one side to the other,you were most likely to get shot and killedWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Berlin Wall was a series of walls, fences and look-out posts put in place by the Soviet Government to divide East and West Berlin!. They did it because spies from the West were entering the Soviet Union via Berlin!. also people were leaving the USSR for the west in massive numbers through Berlin!. A big wall stopped this!. Sorry I can't remember the date!Www@QuestionHome@Com