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Position:Home>History> The problems of the weimar republic was it because of the treaty of versailles?

Question: The problems of the weimar republic was it because of the treaty of versailles!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The reasons for the Weimar Republic's collapse are the subject of continuing debate!. It may have been doomed from the beginning since even moderates disliked it and extremists on both the left and right loathed it!. Germany had no democratic traditions and Weimar democracy was widely seen as chaotic!. And since Weimar politicians had been blamed for the "stab in the back" myth that was then widely believed in Germany as the real cause of the surrender of the German army in World War I, the popular legitimacy of the government was on shaky ground!.
No single reason can explain the failure of the Weimar Republic!. The most commonly asserted causes can be grouped into three categories: economic problems, institutional problems and the roles of specific individuals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com