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Question: Rwanda genocide!?

Each student in my class is doing a 5 page paper on terrorism!. I am doing the Rwanda genocide!. Its just an informational paper not persuasive or anything!.

I was wondering if you could give me some good points to include on the genocide that relate to terrorism!. Obviously there are a lot, as about a million people were killed, but just some ideas to get my paper flowing!.

Thanks a lotWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To me, terrorism is inextricably tied with genocide!. If you
consider the past, terror has been an integral part of persecution of an out group!.

This is far from new!. The story of conquest is rife with the terror tactics employed, such as the practice of putting the skulls of defeated enemies on the palings of the victors' village (or villages), the Roman practice of crucifixion, Vlad Dracul's impaling his enemies and leaving the bodies to rot, on up to the religious and political repression of the Nazis in Germany and the "disappearances" under Stalin in the former Soviet Union and Peronist Argentina!.

True, not all of these can be called "genocidal" in the strict sense of the word (except for Hitler's policies in the name of "racial purity," leading to the deaths of approximately 12 million Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, and such "undesirables" as the mentally ill, people with Down's syndrome, autism, the mentally challenged, and those with physical disabilities), but I think you can draw some good parallels by studying these various subjects!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com