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Position:Home>History> In history if a source is an account how could that be valuable to an historian?

Question: In history if a source is an account how could that be valuable to an historian!?
I am writing an essay and one of the sources is an account about the dangers of no man's land written by a private!. how could the fact that it is an account be valuable to a historian finding out about the dangers of trench warfare!?

Thanks all

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What you are searching for are "first hand" or "eyewitness" accounts-- writings and remembrances of persons actually involved in an historic event!. Because they were there, their accounts are valuable to the historian who likely was not there!.

The historian likes to use multiple "first person" accounts, so as to come closer to that actual facts of an event!. Often two people to not see the same event in the same way-- they recall some things and omit (or forget) others!. Where the accouts blend or even match, one is usually able to conclude some basic facts about the event!.

One caution-- peoiple see things differenctly based on a variety of "filters!." These include life experiences, preferences, biases and likes and dislikes!. Just because an account may be biased does not necessarily mean it is not usable!. The historian must carefully evaluate each source and the value it brings to the discussion!.

Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

historians use different sources to come to their conclusions with regard to historical events!. they are split into two types :- primary source which is actually written by someone who witnessed the event or a piece of evidence from the time of the event and secondary source which are usually written long after the event and frequently by historians!.
by analysing the different sources and taking into account how someone may be biased in the writing of the source then historian come to a view with regard to the event!.
what i mean is :- say the English civil war and an account of a battle is written about by a roundhead soldier it is going to be influenced by his protestant puritan views !.
hope it explains it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The account written by a sailor is what is known as a "primary source!." These are the most valuable type of historical information because it provides the impressions of an event from a person that was there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com