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Position:Home>History> What is the third reich?

Question: What is the third reich!?
Why is it called that way!? also, what are the first and second reichs!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Reich can be liberally translated to mean "empire"

The Third Reich is the name chosen by the Nazis to describe the period of Hitler's rule in Germany from 1933- 1945

The name is an indication of the Nazi's desire to legitimize their place in history, alongside former great imperial periods of German history!.

The first Reich -in this context - refers to the Holy Roman Empire period of Germany!.

The second Reich is generally applied to the unified Germany under Bismarck during the monarchic period of 1871-1918!.

The first and second Reichs are seldom referred to outside of Nazi propaganda!. Instead, we tend to call these periods The Holy Roman Empire, The German Empire, and the Nazi Regime!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was the German name for their empire during the era of the Nazis!.

"Reich" means empire!. The Germans called theirs the third one because of the "Holy Roman Empire" and the "first German empire" that came before the 3rd!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
