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Position:Home>History> Please any one help!!!! any one good at history!!!?

Question: Please any one help!!!! any one good at history!!!!?
1!. Who was the abolitionist captured at Harpers Ferry, Virginia!?

John Brown

Harriet Tubman

Frederick Douglass

Simon Legree

2!. What Supreme Court decision in effect meant that the
Constitution protected slavery!?

Election of 1856

Dred Scott case

Compromise of 1850

Missouri Compromise

3!. The first president of the Confederate States of America was

Abraham Lincoln!.

Robert E!. Lee!.

Jefferson Davis!.

John C!. Calhoun!.

4!. Where was the first major battle of the Civil War!?

Bull Run (Manassas)

New Orleans



5!. Which event happened shortly after Abraham Lincoln's election to the presidency!?

Texas became a state!.

Reconstruction began!.

Southern states seceded!.

The Republican Party formed!.

6!. The Merrimack and the Monitor changed naval warfare because they engaged in the first battle between

metal-covered ships!.

ships carrying guns!.

aircraft carriers!.

wooden ships!.

please help!.!.!.!.!.Thank you if you answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. John Brown
2!. Dred Scott
3!. Jeff Davis
4!. Bull Run
5!. secession
6!. metal-covered ships!.
7!. cautiousness
8!. women
9!. Freedman's Bureau
10!. sharecropping
11!. The Bureau helped free blacks to establish schools and churches, negotiate fair work contracts, locate lost family members and mediate domestic disputes!. It also watched over civil authorities in cases involving African Americans, including running its own court to hear cases!.
12!. The North's economy was far stronger--they had established banks and controlled the majority of the country's wealth!. In addition, they were more industrialized and had a better infrastructure!. By contrast, the South's economy was dependent largely on agriculture and they were far less industrialized!. The Union blockade during the war only increased their problems, as Confederates could not collect customs duties and could not export goods!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sorry, I stopped doing homework when I graduated high school many moons ago!. I've NEVER done anyone else's since then!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. a 2!. b 3!. d 4!. aWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. John Brown - Attacked the Harper's Ferry Armory on October 16,1859 along with 19 men!. Lt!. Col!. Robert E!. Lee and a young lieutenant J!.E!.B!. Stuart were among the Marines dispatched to the scene!.

2!. Dred Scott case - Chief Justice Roger B!. Taney delivered the opinion on March 6, 1857!. Seven justices agreed with the ruling and only two dissented!.

3!. Jefferson Davis - Jefferson Davis was the first and only president of the CSA!. He was elected on February 9, 1861 by a convention in Montgomery, Alabama!. Alexander Stephens was his VP!.

4!. Bull Run (Manassas) - Two battles occurred at Bull Run during the war!. The first battle was fought on July 21, 1861 and was the first major battle of the Civil War!. The result was a Confederate victory and an embarrassing defeat for the Union, which was sent back in a hasty retreat towards Washington, DC!.

5!. Southern states seceded - Seven of them in fact!. In the following order: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas!.

6!. metal-covered ships - Both these ships were of a new ironclad class!. This class was developed in response to vulnerability of wooden ships to explosive and incendiary shelling!. The previously scuttled USS Merrimack was raised and refitted with an ironclad ram by the confederacy, she was then renamed the CSS Virginia!.

7!. cautiousness - While quite meticulous in planning and preparation, he was unable to adapt quickly to an opponent's change of tactics!. He also tended to overestimate his enemies strength and never thought it prudent to commit his entire force in an effort to overwhelm the enemy!.

8!. African Americans - They were also ruthless with captured black soldiers from the Union, usually killing and sometimes even torturing them first!.

9!. Freedmen's Bureau - The entire title was The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands!. Lincoln intended it to last for only year after the end of the war!. Congress passed the Freedmen's Bureau Bill on March 3, 1865!.

10!. sharecropping - Sharecropping is a system of farming, it has nothing whatsoever to do with restricting voting rights!.

11!. The main role at the immediate end of the war was to provide food, housing and medical aid to refugees!. It then took on the primary role of helping freedmen adjust to their new life by arranging work opportunities and labor contracts for them!. It also evolved into a kind of court system to resolve disputes involving freedmen although in many cases it had ineffective means to enforce these rulings because they were subverted by former Confederates!.

12!. The North was far more industrialized and contained most of the country's skilled workers and about 3/4ths of the country's free population!. The Southern economy was reliant on agriculture and on slaves which helped tend the larger plantations!. It was also reliant on imports after it could no longer rely on the industrialized North!. This lead the North to adopt a naval blockade strategy in an effort to deny the Confederate war effort the supplies it needed to continue fighting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com