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Position:Home>History> How many times has the US been invaided?

Question: How many times has the US been invaided!?
I know we were invaided once in 1814!. The invaison was called the burning of Washington!. It was in response to the battle of york!.

I dont think pearl harbor qualifies as HawaII was not a US state at the time!. also, pearl harbor was more of an attack then an invaison!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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It depends on the political wind!. I congratulate the person who remembered the Aleutian campaign!. also the person who remembered the Columbus raid!.

If you want to pick nits, you could call the battle of Palo Alto an invasion!. Technically, it was a mutual invasion!. Mexico claimed the Nueces river as their northern border, and the US claimed the Rio Grande was the border!. The US forces were on territory between the two rivers, and they were fired upon by Mexican soldiers!. If you look from the US point of view, which President Polk did, the Mexicans had invaded US territory!. If you look from the point of view of Mexico, the US troops had invaded Mexican soil!.

If you regard individual Indian nations as sovereign nations, then any Indian attack into a state, or from the territory of another country, such as Canada or Mexico, then there were a lot more!. The Apache territory covered lands in Mexico and the US, so some of those raids could be called invasions!.

Then there is also the troubles of 1861-1865!. The US was invaded several times, in places like Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland and Pennsylvania!. The CSA considered itself a sovereign nation, which the USA refused to recognize, but from the Confederate point of view, the USA was invaded several times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twice The US has been invaded!. The first time was the war of 1812!. The second invasion happen in 1942!. During the battle of Midway, The Japanese landed troops in the Aleutian Islands as a decoy!. Thanks to the terrain and weather in that region, It took a least a year for US troops to take the islands back!. Historians believe that Japan wanted bases in the Aleutians to prevent an attack on Japan from the Northern Pacific!. US took back the islands because they feared the bases were going to be used for attacks on the west coast!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

during the war of 1812 the U!.S!. was invaded 4 times by British forces !. Pancho Villa and his Mexican rebels invaded New Mexico and raided the town of Columbus in 1916 !. That was the last time An American State had Foreign troops on it's Soil !.Www@QuestionHome@Com