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Position:Home>History> Does anyone know the reason why, Napoleon's imperial guard, wore two not one

Question: Does anyone know the reason why, Napoleon's imperial guard, wore two not one gold earrings!? significance!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It seems that the earrings were a distinctive trademark of the Imperial Guard!. The pair of earrings (two) were part of the overall dress that distinguished them as part of the elite troops!.

The grenadier's first purchase was a mess dish, his second was a pair of gold earrings!.

Their curling mustaches, that Napoleon forbade them to wax, their larger packs, better quality uniforms, towering dark brown bearskins, brass fittings on their muskets, their tattooed hands and their huge gold earrings announced to all that they were the elite of the elite!.
The Waterloo Companion--Google booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

The gold earring was a sign that the soldier was part of the "Old Guard"!.
The Old Guard was the elite of the elite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com