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Position:Home>History> What are the top 10 ancient roman technologies and why?

Question: What are the top 10 ancient roman technologies and why!?
If anyone could help me out here and give a brief explanation to why they chose it
(you don't need to do all 10 if you don't want to but maybe 1-5 or even just whichever one you'd choose as first)
Here's a link that gives most of them
thanks for helping! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would say as Rome relied on its military might their top technologies would be in connection with the army so!.!.

Roads and surveying technology: ie the groma because good roads led to fast movement of the army and supplies and eventually led to better trade!.

Concrete: which led to sturdy long lasting buildings such as aquaducts and bridge building!.!.!.better access and clean plentiful water supplies sometimes in very arid conditions!.

Ballistic weapons: Such as the onager or ballister which helped in siege warfare giving the Romans a massive advantage in attacking fortified towns and settlements!.

Prepacked forts: Premade forts which could be assembled very quickly on campaign making it very easy for the Romans to gain a solid base in hostile territory!.

Good heavy armour!. From chainmail to the legionary overlapping armour it was solid and heavier than many of their enemies!.

Sorry thats all I can think of at the mo!.!.
Good luck with it!Www@QuestionHome@Com