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Question: Please help with social studies!?
Why did compromises fail to settle disagreenments over the issue of slavery!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is a specific compromise that comes to mind when I think of the issue of slavery in America's history!. The three fifths compromise was established by the Continental Congress when drafting the constitution!. It provided for a dual legislature - the Senate and the House!. The Senate endowed each member with two representatives, while the house provided representation based upon population!. When considering 'population' the north was committed to the 'voting' public noting that slaves did not have the right to vote - however, the south felt responsible for providing for the necessities of their slaves, and therefore, maintained that they should be counted in the census consideration of house representation (making southern states stronger in representation!.) The three fifths compromise allowed for counting slaves (black, white, native american and otherwise) as 3/5 of a person!. This allowed for a population control measure which comforted the northern states and also provided the southern states with the house representation bump they wanted!.

There have been, although not so clearly noted, hundreds of examples of compromise over slavery!. Inherently, slavery is the supression of a people for forced labor!. This will fail every time because once a population discovers, understands and becomes exhausted by their situation of exploitation, they will no longer tolerate it!. Slavery is wrong!. Everyone will say this happily for themselves and others!. You can't effectively rob someone of their human rights without it coming around and biting you in the backside sooner or later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I was going to say a few things!.!.!.!.but I think jaisend said it all!.!.!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com