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Position:Home>History> Who do the japanese idolize in fashion?

Question: Who do the japanese idolize in fashion!?
here are the question could you please answer!?

how is japanese fashion difrent fro mamerican fashion!?

wh odo the japanese idolize in fashion!?

What is a japanese fashion timeline/

Whsat are the diffrent groups of japanese fashion!?!?

thank yall soo much:]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To name a couple!.!.!.

Rei Kawakubo
Founder of Comme des Garcons, was born in Tokyo in 1942!.
In 1973, she established her own company, Comme des Garcons Co!., Ltd in Tokyo!. Specializes in anti-fashion, austere, sometimes deconstructed garments, sometimes lacking a sleeve or other component!.

Junya Watanabe
Graduated from Bunka Fashion College, Tokyo, in 1984 and immediately joined Comme des Gar?ons, after a further five years he introduced his first own-label collection in 1992!. Watanabe is renowned for his avant-garde style; in particular, his exploration of new cutting concepts, his ingenious sourcing of fabrics and innovative draping techniques!.

Limi Feu
Limi Yamamoto, daughter of dark, deconstructed fashion pioneer Yohji, Her aesthetic is similar to that of her father: conceptual clothing for cerebral women, with plenty of generously proportioned tailoring in a dour color palette of black, white and navy!.

Japanese fashion is very different from American fashion and is very unique!. There is not only one clothing style in Japan!. Some of Japan's clothes are more based on Japan's cultural and the way of life!. Other stlyes are gothic looking!.

The fashion GAMGURO STYLE was very popular to girls in the late 1990s to the early 2000s!. This fashion included bleached hair, a very dark tan, black or white eyliner, fake eyelashes, sandels or boots, adn bright colored outfits!. Girls covered their cell phone with punk stickers and wore mini skirts!. The people in Japan who used the syle ganguro also tie dyed sarongs and wore a lot of accessories such as bracelets!.

The LOLITA STYLE is another type of Japanese fashion, in a kind of school girl look!. The Lolita style try to look like Victorian Procelian Dolls!. The basic outfit of Lolita fashion is a skirt up to the knees, a pair of over knee socks or stockings, shoes or boots with high heels, and lace trimmed Victorian Blouses!. With this outfit bracelets and the headdresses are worn!.

The GOTHIC LOLITA STYLE known as Goth Loli!. The Gothic Lolita is worn by Japanese teens and young women!. This fashion is usually only black and white with lace trimmings on the clothes!. This look can have knee low skirts and high knee socks!. There can also be black tights!. Childlike shoes or boots are also worn to add to the outfit!. This style is very dark and childish look!.

KOGAL STYLE is mostly worn by girls and young women in the Urban Japan!. They are known for unique taste in fashion, music, and social activity!. This fashion wears platform boots, miniskirts, and surplus of makeup!. They also color their hair, usually blond!. They also get artificial suntans and wear designers accessories!. It can be also worn with long socks that go up to your knees!.

HAKAMA STYLE is one of the Japanese men fashion!. This fashion use to be only worn by men, but now a days they are worn by men and women!. It is tied at the waist and is fall all the way down to the ankles!. This fashion is very formal and it is made or stiff, striped sillk!. This clothing's color is black, white, or gray!.

GYARU-O STYLE fashion was for young men that dyed their hair brown and tanned their skin!. This fashion also means the male version of Shibuya street fashion, which was popular a few years ago!.

ONII-KEI STYLE has become really popular!. Onii-Kei means elder brother style!. Gyaru-o is more of casual sports clothing, but Onii-Kei tend to wear White Tailored Jackets, low-necked tank tops, imported jeans and pointed leather shoes!.!.This fashion is a combination between Ame-Kaji and Ita-Kaji!. Ame-Kaji means American casual and Ita-Kaji means Italian Casual!.

Your question, unfortunantly is TOO LONG!. Hopefully this will be enough to start you out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow the answer above is very correct and a damn good answer too!. 10 points for themWww@QuestionHome@Com