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Position:Home>History> Was the Pope in Rome responsible for the Great Schism?

Question: Was the Pope in Rome responsible for the Great Schism!?
This question refers to the seperation between the East Orthodox and Roman Catholic!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Relations between Rome and the Eastern Patriarchs had long been bitter, due to political, ecclesiastical, and theological disputes!.[1] Pope Leo IX and Michael Cerularius, Patriarch of Constantinople, heightened the conflict by suppressing Greek and Latin in their respective domains!. In 1054, Roman legates traveled to Cerularius to deny him the title Oecumenical Patriarch and to insist that he recognize the Roman claim to be the head and mother of the Church!.[1] Cerularius refused!. The leader of the Latin contingent excommunicated Cerularius, while he excommunicated the legates!.[1]Www@QuestionHome@Com