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Question: FDR and TR!?
Im getting the two presidents FDR and TR confused!. What was the difference between the two!? What did each president do!? Did FDR do the new deal or was that TR!? and what years were they president!. Was TR during the 20s and FDR during the 40s!? Please help im getting them mixed up!!!Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Teddy Roosevelt served as President from 1901-1909 and Franklin Roosevelt served from 1933-1945!.
I've added links to wikipedia so that you can learn more about each one!. Both of these men were considered good presidents, and their accomplishments are many!. Happy reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You will find that FDR modelled himself and his career after his distant cousin whose brother was his wife's father and his own godfather!. As president in 1905 TR gave the bride away, since his niece had lost her father!.

FDR wore a pince nez like TR!. Both were assistant secretaries of the Navy, governors of NY State, vice-presidential candidates (TR successfully in 1901, FDR unsuccessfully in 1920) and both became president!.

FDR's accomplishments were the greater because he had the greater challenges: the Great Depression and WW II!. He saved capitalism and democracy in the US and then saved the world from Fascism and Japanese militarism!. Unfortunately he could only save half the world from the tyranny of communism, the half his own armies and navies reached by the end of WW II!. Not his fault that Eastern Europe was occupied by the Soviets or China was lost by Chiang Kai-shek after his death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com