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Position:Home>History> Two questions about Abe Lincoln?

Question: Two questions about Abe Lincoln!?
1st- What was his height and weight (adult size)!?

2nd- I heard that he did fighting when he was young- was it like boxing or was it like Mat Wrestling( like high school wrestling)!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
(from "Boys Life of Abraham Lincoln" by Helen Nicolay)

"He was not only a tall, strong country boy: he soon grew to be a tall, strong, sinewy man!. He early reached the unusual height of six feet four inches, and his long arms gave him a degree of power as an axman that few were able to rival!. He therefore usually led his fellows in efforts of muscle as well as of mind!. That he could outrun, outlift, outwrestle his boyish companions, that he could chop faster, split more rails in a day, carry a heavier log at a "raising," or excel the neighborhood champion in any feat of frontier athletics, was doubtless a matter of pride with him; but stronger than all else was his eager craving for knowledge!.!.!."

Source: http://www!.quotablelincoln!.com/readbookc!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For the second question, he was in a war, it was the Black Hawk war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i heard he was a ninja and he defeated the nazis with his impressive sword skillsWww@QuestionHome@Com