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Position:Home>History> Can any one give me examples of Mestizaje/mestizo?

Question: Can any one give me examples of Mestizaje/mestizo!?
Can any one give me examples of Mestizaje/mestizo !?!?What is Mestizaje/mestizoWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mestizo or Mestizaje is a Spanish term that was formerly used in the Spanish Empire and continues to be used today in Latin America to refer to people of mixed European (Spaniard) and Amerindian ancestry living in the region of Latin America!.

It's like the children of half Native American and half White parents were called Half-Breeds!.

also the children of US Soldiers and Vietnamesese women during the Vietname War were shunned by the Vietnamese!.

It's basically a derogatory term!.

Native Mexicans were basically Native Americans!. White Spanish soldiers came in and raped or "defiled" native women, therefore producing "half-breed" children!.

Today it's not a big deal!. We are all so very mixed now!. But back then!.!.!. It was a HUGE deal!. Mixed blood!. Mixed color!. It meant that the race had been defiled, that these people were not "pure", they had been "touched" or produced by "foreign demons"!.

ELECTRA - I actually got the SENTENCE

"Spanish term that was formerly used in the Spanish Empire and continues to be used today in Latin America to refer to people of mixed European (Spaniard) and Amerindian ancestry living in the region of Latin America!."

!.!.!.!.!.From the DICTIONARY for a proper definition of the WORD!.
The other 13 sentences came straight out of my head!.

I just thought a DICTIONARY basic definition of the word would be easier to understand!. The gentleman just asked WHAT it was and for an EXAMPLE, not a history lesson on the multi levels of the SPANISH Caste system!.
I also ASSUMED since the gentleman asked his question HERE in the US Y/A, he was asking in reference to to OUR Latin America and NOT Spain, since Spain has it's OWN Y/A
The TERM mestizo is rarely used outside of Mexico & Cuba here in the Americas, and Mestizaje is rarely discussed outside the early conquest & early colonization time of Latin America!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Muinghan, you got that from Wikipedia, and it is partially wrong!.

The Mestizo, like he said were the Spanish mixed with natives!. But, what he did not say is that Mestizo is more than just a term!. It was like the Caste system for people in Spanish colonies!. A mestizo was the third highest, out of four, categories, peninsulares, who were born in Spain Spainards, criollos, who were born from two Spainards in the colony, mestizo, aforementioned, and mulatto, all black, amerindian, etc!.

There were other narrower levels such as Zambos but the aforementioned ones were the main 4!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Under the caste system of Latin America and Spain, the term originally applied to the children resulting from the union of one European and one Amerindian parent, or the children of two mestizo parents!. During this era myriad other terms including Castizo (3/4 European and 1/4 Amerindian), CuarterĂ³n de Indio and Cholo (1/4 European and 3/4 Amerindian), were in use to denote other individuals of European-Amerindian ancestry in ratios smaller or greater than the 50:50 of mestizos!. Today, mestizo refers to all people with discernible amounts of both European and Amerindian ancestryWww@QuestionHome@Com