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Position:Home>History> How did hitler come into power?

Question: How did hitler come into power!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hitler's rise to power was based upon long-term factors - resentment in the German people, the weakness of the Wiemar system - which he exploited through propaganda (paid for by his rich, Communist-fearing backers), the terror of his stormtroopers, and the brilliance of his speeches!.

During the 'roaring twenties' Germans ignored this vicious little man with his programme of hatred!. But when the Great Depression ruined their lives, they voted for him in increasing numbers!. Needing support, and thinking he could control Hitler, President Hindenburg made the mistake in January 1933 of giving Hitler the post of Chancellor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

After the Great War, Germany's loss resulted in extremely harsh reparations!. Germany had to pay back the equivalent of 60 billion pounds to France, Belgium and Britain!. This had a huge toll on the economy and Extremist parties began to gain momentum!.
Hitler worked for the Government, investigating potentially threatening parties!. He went to infiltrate a NSDAP meeting and agreed with the policies!. He joined and worked his way to the top, there were only around 14 members when Hitler joined!.
Using his incredible charisma he built the party up, and he decided to attempt to grain control of Munich in 1923!. That didn't go so well, he was arrested after grossly overestimating his influence in Munich!.
It was in prison that he wrote "Mein Kampf"!.
After leaving prison he decided to attempt to gain contol of Germany through legal means only, via the Reichstag, the German Parliament!.
The Nazis and Communists only did well in elections during times of extreme economic problems, after the putsch came a period of calm for the Weimar Economy, followed shortly by the Wall Street Crash and World Depression!.
This is when Hitler gained a majority in the Reichstag, and from there he destroyed every other party around him!. Some slowly, some very quickly!.

Hope that helps :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are going to hate my answer because I will tellyou to read a book!. That is, however, the only way that you can fully understand it!. Actually, there are two books!.

1!. Erich Fromm ESCAPE FROM FREEDOM will tellyou how a Hitler could come to power

2!. THE ORIGINS OF WORLD WAR II by Trevor-Roper will tell you the international politics that led to the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

here is the short version!.!.!.!.
, after Germany's loss, WW1 germany was weak, broke, and out of hope!.

then hitler basically came out and said "im going to make Germany strong and feared again"

so germany gave him the power and as they won more, hitler gained more!. until he was the most feared man of the ageWww@QuestionHome@Com

He was named Chancellor of Germany in 1938, and that's when germany went downhill!. Since he had blamed Jews for the cause of germany losing WWI, he was going to get revenge!. Thus, this started the whole Holocaust tragedy!. since he was chancellor, he basically ruled germany and could make any laws he wanted!. He picked at the jewish people on purpose and traumatized them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com