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Position:Home>History> Benjiman Franklin and Black Beard?

Question: Benjiman Franklin and Black Beard!?
What kind of connections did they have!? ex:

Lets say me and another person were born on the same day, and we both like ice cream!.!.!.!.o_O thats 2 connectionsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They both had reasons to hate the British!. They both had lots of lady friends!. They both liked to drink!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is possible a pirate might be get of libertine views and membership in The Hellfire Club!. Franklin, then, might
have fathered a pirate in Europe but since usual career
lifetimes of freebooters averaged three years before
termination it isn't likely that history would trouble itself
over the sire of one so misbegotten!. Black Beard certainly had same views 'tho limited to simple rapine and plunder disposals!. Black Beard and Franklin both postured as simple minded folks when likely opportunity presented itself!. Both wore outlandish costumes to befuddle others!. Both had some usage in personal arms though the quill pen of one was more lethal than bloody sword of other!. Both resolved it was better to hang with like-minded than experience certain hanging if captured by England while separated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ben Franklin was 12 years old when William Teach ("Blackbeard") was killed and decapitated!. I don't see any connection with birth dates, death dates, or anything else - but I'll be interested to see if this question comes up with a connection!.

Hmm!. I don't think Franklin really hated the British!. He disagreed with some of them!. He was too intelligent for blind hatred!. Lots of people liked to drink in those days!. I doubt that Ben Franklin's women were raped!. I still don't see a connection!.Www@QuestionHome@Com